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Authour's pov:
*It's been 4 hours. Neither Kai or hobi no one coming out of their rooms. Everyone being worried about hobi, because he always joyful and makes everyone happy and now his life is going like this. They all thinking that Kai is a good one, because of jimin talks but they can't tell hobi to marry him just by jimin talks.*

*Everyone is present in namjins room except Kai, who is in hobi room. In namjin room.*

Hobi: hyung I don't know what to now (while grabbing his hair).
Jimin: what if we complain about that Mr. Choi.
Suga: baby don't talk anything for 30 minutes. OK.
Jimin: (pout) OK.
Jin: hobi what if you talk with your dad once again.
Hobi: he won't listen hyung.
Tae: but hyung don't say no for this marraiage now. Because his mom is also in danger.
Hobi: that's why I can't do anything bun.
Namjoon: hobi. I have one solution.
Hobi: what it is hyung.
Namjoon: don't talk about marraiage to you dad. After 2 weeks tell them that you guys don't want to marry each other. Still they didn't listen then play a dramas that 1 of you had health problem and faint in engagement place.
Suga: I think it will work. And after that we can think about later.
Jin: until then tell Kai to stay here.
Tae: yes hung. That's good for his mother.
Namjoon: hobi. Go and tell Kai to stay here for 2 weeks.
Hobi: me. No way. Jimin tell your hyung to stay here.
Jimin: hubby told me that don't talk and I won't.
Suga: hobi it will be good if you tell him by yourself.
Hobi: Hfff. OK.

*After this everyone left to their room and hobi went to his room where Kai was. And knock on the door. Kai open the door with hesitation.*

Hobi: can I come inside.
Kai: yaa ofcouse.
Hobi: what were you doing in laptop.
Kai: I am searching a secure hotels in near. So I can come here fast when your father arrived.
Hobi: about that stay here for 2 weeks.
Kai: why. I can manage. No need to worry.
Hobi: if it is about you, then you can manage. It is about your mother. Don't think too much otherwise you will regret later.

*he think for sometime and said yes*

Hobi: OK then. You can share my room with me. Because the guest room are not ready. You can shift to guest room after 2 days.
Kai: thanks.
Hobi: we are doing this for mother. Mother will be mother for everyone.

*kai nodded his head and hobi is about to leave but Kai call him. When hobi turn back Kai hug him softly not want him to make uncomfortable. Hobi just melted in the kiss and he can understand that how much Kai was feeling stress like him.*

At evening:
*At evening Jin prepared dinner for everyone and started to call them while going to them room since all rooms are beside each other. In the same way he went hobi's room where he saw hobi also entering the room while cutting the call.*

Jin: hobi come for dinner.
Kai: OK hyung. Let's go. Wait what about Kai.
Jin: I totally forget about this new guy. Go and bring him with you. Don't come alone.
Hobi: hyung don't make scared.
Jin: (laugh) go and bring him.

*Hobi went into his room and what he saw made his mind froze. Kai was sleep slightly on the bet while his head placed on bed head and his laptop still on his lap. His shirt buttons are slightly open. He looks breathtaking.*

Hobi: (come out of thoughts) Kai. Kai.
Kai: 5 more minutes mom.
Hobi: Kai wake up.
Kai: mom please 5 more minutes.
Hobi: (while laughing) Kai I am not your mom. Get up.
Kai: (sit straight on his place and see hobi's laugh. He felt even more embarrassed) I am sorry. Is their anything you want say.
Hobi: come for the dinner. Dinner is ready.
Kai: I am not hungry. You guys carryon.
Hobi: if you didn't come for dinner my hyung will kill me.
Kai: (smile a little) just 5 minutes.
Hobi: OK. I will wait. (Kai nodded and hobi sit on bed. After 5 minutes Kai comes out while his fore hear is wet and he looks stunning in that while shirt) can we go.
Kai: ofcouse.

Like this they all finish their dinner. Everyone is talking and laughing except Kai. Noone said anything because they understand his situation. That's why nobody forces him to talk or mingle with them.*

OK guys I wish you enjoy this part. See you in next part. Bye guys 👋.

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