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Authour's pov:
         They all are sitting and playing truth or dare. Everyone teasing each other and enjoying their time. Now the bottle stop in front of jimin and he hesitately looked at everyone and said "hyungs can skip this time" everyone shake his head as no and he signed and said "truth".
        There is a playful smirk on Jins face and ask the question "jimin what you used to call suga when you to are alone". Suga widened his eyes and said "jimin no". But he also know he can't and jimin said in a low voice but audible to everyone "hubby". Everyone is teasing suga and jimin and jimin hide is face and suga rolled his eyes and avoid eye contact with his friends.

        Bottle stop in front of junkook and junkook think for a second and said "truth". Then hobi ask "junkook tae or singing". Everyone one is now looking at kook and kook said without thinking "tae". It's enough for them to understand that how much kook loves tae and just lean towards kook and kiss on kook forehead.

          Now bottle stop in front of jin who widened his eyes and said truth but hobi said "there is no more truths only dare". Jin want to kill hobi right now, and suga said "I will give dare to Jin wait, OK Jin a simple dare kiss namjoon on 3 moles". Namjoon and Jins eyes are widened and namjoon said "dare for him or me I am not in".

        Suga said "OK Jin kiss hobi then" namjoon come between and said "I am in". Everyone smirk and Jin look at namjoon hesitately and lean their are 2 moles in his face and one on his neck. Jin lean to kiss namjoon on his neck and kiss it then they hear a click sound. They look at the sound where it comes from where tae click the pic. Jin said "bear look you are good boy right delete the pic naaa".

         Tae said while smriking "I will hyung but not now". Jin know he can't fight with the kid. Next turn and this time the bottle stop in front of jimin. There is no choice except dare. He said "dare". Tae said "kiddo we go simple on you because it's first time. Here is dare that suga hyung will lay on the coach and we lift his shirt up a little and just draw something on his waist".

           Suga look at him disbelief and said "what the hell with you tae" before he could finish namjoon and tae lift suga up and hold his both hands above his head and kook lift his shirt up which is showing his belly and abs. Jimin didn't move from his seat still in shock and embarrassment. Then Jin dragged him.

          Suga said "jimin noo" before he could finish kook cover his mouth with his hand. Hobi give a pen to jimin who took it hesitately. Suga is shy that is both hands are above is head, his mouth was covered and his shirt was lifted showing is upper body.

          Jin makes jimin to sit beside suga coach and remove suga's all shirt buttons making him upper naked. Suga and jimin widened their eyes. Suga is struggling and Jin made his way to suga's legs and hold it tight. Jimin don't have any way except what they said and started to draw but kook put jimin left hand on suga's chest knowing that it's his sensitive place.

        It's too much for suga now but can't do anything jimin put his hand on suga chest and with right hand he is drawing a little cat diagram. Jimin finish his drawing and about to get up but kook put jimin hand on suga's length.

        Suga moaned loud when he feel jimins hand on his length hard. Everyone is holding their laugh and jimin quickly get up ran to washroom to hide himself. Then they leave suga and suga didn't move from that position for 2 minutes breathing heavily. Everyone is leaving saying "thanks us later".

           Suga sit on coach and his length is paining like hell. He call jimin out and said "baby they are left, come out please I need your help". When jimin hear suga he immediately come out and goes to suga and make him lay on the coach. Jimin goes towards the door and locked it from inside.

            Jimin comes to suga who is waiting for him laying on the bed, jimin started to unbutton his jeans and slide down his boxers. Suga said in a painful and lusted voice "baby do it fast it's hurting". Jimin nodded and put his whole length inside his mouth started to suck it hard suga put his both hands on his mouth because the room his not soundproof.

           Jimins one hand is going towards suga's bolls and another hand is going to his nipples his buds. For suga this is too much at the same time he is receiving the pleasure from three places of his body. It's hard to not moan. Jimin is rubbing fast and squeezing his balls and squeezing his nipples at sucking his dick harder. Suga trying his best to control his moans but jimins actions making it hard for him.

          After 5 minutes of jimins hard work and suga's compression of moans he said "I am gonna cum". With that jimin fastened his speed on his dick, balls and his buds. Suga comes in jimins mouth which jimin swallowed completely. After that jimin get up and tried to button his shirt but suga stop him. Jimin can see that he is sweating badly so he turn on the AC even more. And button his jeans after adjusting his boxers.

          It took 15 minutes to suga to stand properly. After that they come out of the cabin all this time suga was avoiding eye contact with jimin and jimin knows he is shy.

         When they come out they bear their friends laugh and look at their. Jimins face turned red by their laugh. Unknowingly suga also feel shy and ran out of the office with jimin. He didn't notice his friends shocked expression because this is first time they are seeing suga like this feeling shy.

        They feel happy for their friend. For having a good and sweet, lovely, caring, cute, small husband. After some chit chat they also leave to their respective homes.

OK guys this is for today. Meet you at tommorrow. Bye 👋

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