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As Jihoon stirred in his sleep, Rain and Phayu exchanged a knowing glance, their parental instincts kicking in as they recognized the signs of hunger. With practiced ease, Rain lifted up his shirt to allow Jihoon to latch on for a feeding, while Phayu, ever attentive to Rain's needs, gently placed his hands on Rain's now bare back, offering soothing rubs to ease any tension.

Rain's heart swelled with love as Jihoon latched onto him, his tiny fingers curling around Rain's shirt as he nursed contentedly. Phayu's touch on his back added an extra layer of comfort, the rhythmic motion of his hands serving as a comforting reminder of their bond as mates and parents.

As they sat together in the quiet of the early morning, Rain and Phayu shared a moment of intimate connection, their hearts and bodies entwined in the timeless dance of caregiving and love. Despite the challenges they faced as parents, moments like these served as a poignant reminder of the beauty and joy that came with raising their son together.

With each gentle stroke of Phayu's hands and each contented sigh from Jihoon, Rain felt a profound sense of gratitude for the love and support that surrounded him. In Phayu's touch and Jihoon's presence, he found solace and strength, knowing that together, they could weather any storm that came their way.

As Jihoon finished his feeding and drifted back off to sleep, Rain and Phayu shared a tender smile, their hearts overflowing with love for their son and for each other. In the quiet moments of the early morning, as the world around them began to awaken, they found peace in the simple act of being together, united by the bond of family and the enduring power of love.

Bound by Fate book 2Where stories live. Discover now