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As Jihoon grew into a curious and spirited 1.5-year-old, Rain and Phayu noticed a shift in his behavior. Despite their unwavering love and care, Jihoon began displaying a strong preference for Rain, often resisting Phayu's attempts to comfort or care for him.

At first, Phayu brushed it off as a phase, attributing Jihoon's attachment to Rain's playful nature and the bond they shared. But as days turned into weeks and Jihoon's preference for Rain persisted, Phayu couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt and confusion.

One evening, as Phayu attempted to soothe Jihoon's tears after a tumble, the toddler pushed him away, reaching instead for Rain with outstretched arms. Phayu's heart sank as he watched Jihoon's tear-streaked face light up with joy at Rain's comforting embrace.

"I don't understand," Phayu confessed to Rain later that night, his voice heavy with emotion. "Why does Jihoon only want you? Am I doing something wrong?"

Rain wrapped Phayu in a comforting hug, his own heart aching at his partner's distress. "It's not about you doing anything wrong, Phayu," he reassured him, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Jihoon just feels a special connection with me right now, but that doesn't mean he loves you any less."

Despite Rain's words of reassurance, Phayu couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that lingered within him. He longed for the same bond with Jihoon that Rain shared, yearning to feel their son's arms wrapped around him with the same sense of comfort and security.

Determined to mend their relationship, Phayu devoted extra time and attention to bonding with Jihoon, engaging in playful activities and showering him with love and affection. Slowly but surely, Jihoon began to warm up to Phayu, his resistance melting away as he discovered the joy of their shared moments together.

As the days passed, Jihoon's preference for Rain gradually faded, replaced by a newfound appreciation for both of his fathers. Rain and Phayu watched with pride as Jihoon's laughter once again filled their home, knowing that their love and dedication had helped bridge the gap and strengthen their family bond. And though challenges would inevitably arise along their journey, they faced them together, united in their commitment to nurturing their son's happiness and well-being.

Bound by Fate book 2Where stories live. Discover now