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As Jihoon's whine pierced the tranquil night air, Rain and Sky, both omegas attuned to their son's distress, sprang into action. With a shared glance of concern, they swiftly made their way to Jihoon and Sirirat's camping cribs, leaving Phayu and Prapai momentarily puzzled by the sudden interruption.

"What's wrong, Jihoon?" Rain asked, his voice gentle as he reached out to comfort their son.

Sky followed suit, his omega instincts kicking in as he checked on Sirirat, his heart pounding with worry. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" he murmured, his voice laced with concern.

Jihoon's whimpers subsided as he reached out towards Rain, seeking solace in his papa's familiar embrace. Sirirat, sensing her brother's distress, gazed up at Sky with wide eyes, her tiny hand clutching onto his shirt.

Rain and Sky exchanged a knowing look, their omega instincts guiding them as they comforted their children. "It's okay, Jihoon," Rain whispered soothingly, pressing a kiss to their son's forehead. "Papa's here."

Phayu and Prapai, sensing the tension in the air, approached cautiously, their concern evident on their faces. "Is everything alright?" Phayu asked, his voice filled with apprehension.

Rain nodded, his attention focused on Jihoon. "He's just a little unsettled," he explained, his voice calm despite the lingering worry. "We'll comfort him and he'll be fine."

Prapai offered a reassuring smile, his own omega instincts kicking in as he observed the interaction between Rain and Jihoon. "Let us know if you need anything," he said, his voice filled with genuine concern.

As Rain and Sky worked together to calm Jihoon and Sirirat, Phayu and Prapai watched with admiration, grateful for their partners' unwavering love and dedication. In the soft glow of the campfire, surrounded by the comforting presence of their friends, they knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always find strength and support in each other's arms. And as the night slowly gave way to dawn, the peaceful tranquility of the wilderness embraced them once more, a silent promise of hope and renewal for the new day ahead.

Bound by Fate book 2Where stories live. Discover now