𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝟓: 𝐀 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫

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As the week of final exams approached, signaling the end of another year at Hogwarts, Rune found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions and obligations. Amidst the anticipation of examinations, year-end feasts and the Quidditch final match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, she couldn't shake the realization that her seventeenth birthday was rapidly approaching—a milestone that carried implications she couldn't ignore.

From the moment she set foot in Hogwarts as a first-year student, Rune had been aware of the looming nature of her maledictus curse. Every book she could get her hands on regarding the curse echoed the same ominous message: once she reached adulthood, the curse would tighten its grip with unforgiving strength.

Beneath the warmth of the May sun that was bathing Hogwarts, Rune couldn't escape the deadline that awaited her return to Honorius and the circus. Despite her attempts to push it aside, the truth remained: she had broken Honorius's rules during her Christmas break by going with Evan. The thought of his inevitable wrath, manifested in scowls and making her do menial tasks, hung heavy over her.

From her prize for winning the Potions competition, she received a hefty sum of money which provided a glimmer of hope. With a calculating eye, she assessed the numerous bags packed for her return to Hogwarts, realizing that she held the means to purchase her freedom.

With careful planning and budgeting, Rune allocated some funds to carry her living expenses for the summer holiday and for time after Hogwarts. Including her seventh year, she gave herself a timeline of three years, daring to defy the grim predictions of her textbooks.

As Rune plunged into the depths of her exams, she felt an intensity in the air that was palpable, almost suffocating. It was as though the weight of Regulus' gaze bore down upon her, a relentless pressure that threatened to consume her every thought and action.

During each grueling exam session, as the minutes stretched into hours and the tension mounted, Rune couldn't escape the sensation of his eyes upon her. It was a gaze that penetrated her defenses, stripping away the layers of her composure with ruthless precision.

At times, she could almost feel the heat of his stare burning into her skin, searing a path through the chaos of her mind. It was a gaze that spoke volumes, conveying a depth of emotion—as if it was a silent confession that left her breathless and disoriented.

With each passing moment, Rune found herself drawn further into him. When he looked at her, it was as though they existed in their own private universe, where time stood still, and the rest of the world faded into insignificance.

An additional layer of tension was building within her, a primal urge stirring beneath the surface. It was the familiar pull of her maledictus nature, reminding her that her time of the month was drawing near. She tried to push aside the heightened emotions, attributing them to the natural rhythms of her curse, but the intensity of Regulus' gaze only seemed to aggravate the sensation.

She tried to convince herself that perhaps he was throwing her off once more. Regulus knew how to get inside her head, how to distract her. During examinations would be the perfect time for him to play his games with her. 

But no matter how hard she tried; she knew it wasn't that. The intensity of his gaze was too profound, too consuming to be mere manipulation. At times, she could feel the heat of her own ski mingling with the intensity of Regulus' stare and it was half driving her insane.

As the final exam approached its climax, Rune's heart thundered in her chest, her hands trembling with a mixture of anticipation and fear. She dared not glance around the Great Hall, fearing what she might see in those piercing eyes that haunted her every waking moment.

𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now