𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝟐: 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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A/N: It's been a hot minute since I've last updated. Thank you for all the sweet messages in my imbox and on the tl checking up on me. It's all of you who make me want to write a new chapter. Enjoy mwah.


The carriage hurtled along the dirt path, its rhythmic clatter notifying Regulus and Rune of their impeding arrival to Hogwarts.  Despite their shared space with Professor Slughorn, a playful tension simmered between the two students, like the crackle of magic before a spell is cast.

Rune sat with an air of casual defiance, her gaze flitting between the passing scenery outside and the boy beside her. Regulus lounged against the window; his posture relaxed yet radiating an undercurrent of mischief.

"Quite the adventure we had," Professor Slughorn remarked, breaking the silence between them.

"Indeed," replied Regulus, his voice laced with a hint of challenge.

Rune's competitive spirit sparked to life. "I must say, I didn't expect you to be such a capable partner." 

The corner of Regulus' lips quirked upwards in a knowing smirk. "And I didn't expect you to be so... tolerable," he retorted, his tone teasing.

"Tolerable, am I?" said Rune, holding his gaze, "Well, I'll take that as a compliment coming from you, Reggie." 

"Don't let it get to your head, blondie." 

The carriage jostled along the winding path, the rhythmic clatter of its wheels mingling with the lighthearted banter between the two students.

Professor Slughorn observed them with a twinkle in his eye, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Ah, young love," he muttered under his breath, though loud enough for Rune and Regulus to hear.

Rune, terribly taken aback, sputtered in disbelief. "Love? That's preposterous, Professor!"

"And simply erroneous," interjected Regulus. 

Professor Slughorn chuckled heartily at their reactions, clearly enjoying the moment. "Ah, forgive an old man his jests," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Then he announced loudly, "Hogwarts, at last!" 

The carriage came to a jerkish stop and as the doors swung open and several professors and students awaited to welcome the winners of the competition, Rune and Regulus exchanged a bemused glance. 

They stepped out of the carriage into the crisp chilly air. The grounds of Hogwarts spread out before them, and Rune could not wait to enter the castle and embrace the new agreement she caught herself in. 


Rune sat on her bed bent over her potions essay. They'd been back at Hogwarts for over a month. And to her utmost disappointment, Regulus hadn't sought her out to fulfill any part of their agreement. 

She'd made a habit of replaying their conversations every night before falling asleep. 

He had been the one to suggest it. 

He had been the one who denied her initial refusal of it. 

He had wanted it.  

So, she wondered why he wasn't at her door asking for it. 

As she mulled over these thoughts, frustration bubbled within her. She couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment, the gnawing uncertainty of why Regulus seemed to be avoiding their arrangement.

Was he having second thoughts? Was he simply playing games with her? Or perhaps he had lost interest altogether?

The questions swirled in her mind, each one fueling her frustration further. She had been willing to give their arrangement a chance, but if Regulus couldn't even be bothered to follow through, then what was the point?

With a sigh, Rune pushed aside her potions essay, her thoughts consumed by Regulus Black. As she lay back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling above, she made a silent vow to herself. If Regulus wasn't willing to step up, then perhaps it was time for her to take matters into her own hands.

After all, she wasn't one to wait around for someone else to make the first move.


As March unfolded its wings, a sense of dread settled over Hogwarts, signaling the onset of the year-end examinations. They found themselves inundated with the weight of tests, each lecture hammering home the importance of preparation for the N.E.W.T's. Even Professor Flitwick, had taken it upon himself to ensure their readiness, preparing a rigorous mock examination under strict conditions.

Rune dipped her quill into the inkpot, her mind swirling with formulas and incantations, when she caught sight of Regulus striding into the classroom. His Quidditch uniform clung to him, betraying the exertion of pre-training before the upcoming match. The fabric hugged him in all the right places, while his tousled hair added a charm to his rarely rugged appearance.

Their eyes met fleetingly, and a soft sigh escaped her lips at the slight fluttering in her heart as it willed him to come closer, to occupy the empty seat beside her.

"Come sit next to me. Come sit next to me. Come sit next to me," her mind chanted.

A tang of disappointment rippled through Rune as he seemed to take steps in the other direction, but he quickly pivoted on his heel and made his way towards her with deliberate steps.

Rune forced herself to maintain an air of indifference as he settled into the seat beside her, though her heart thrummed with an energy she couldn't suppress.

Professor Flitwick's voice cut through the room, signaling the commencement of the test. As Rune focused on the questions before her, a jolt reverberated through her as Regulus's foot nudged hers under the table, a playful kick that set her off.

Her gaze shot daggers at him, but he remained nonchalant, his attention seemingly fixed on the parchment before him. 

"My side," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down her spine.

Refusing to back down, Rune retaliated with a swift kick, a silent challenge that ignited the spark of their ongoing game. 

Seconds later, he kicked her foot right towards the legs of the table. 

So, she kicked his right back.

Back and forth they went, playing a game of push and pull beneath the table.

And just as he attempted to kick hers again, Rune skillfully withdrew her foot, causing his to inadvertently collide with the leg of the table.

The impact reverberated through the room, shaking the table, yet Regulus remained unfazed, seamlessly retracting his foot without so much as a flinch.

Before Rune could even utter a word of concern, Professor Flitwick's throat clearing interrupted the moment, drawing their attention back to the task at hand. "Let's all do our own work," he reminded them sternly.

With a subtle nod, Rune redirected her focus to her parchment, determined to concentrate on the examination questions. 

Yet, as she began to fill in her answers, she felt Regulus's shoe against hers once more, the fabric of his trousers brushing against her calves.

As Rune's quill danced across the parchment, she couldn't shake surge of daringness, and gently knocked her knee against Regulus's beneath the table. 

She felt his leg tense beside hers and expected him to kick her away once more, but to her delight, he responded by pressing his leg against her with a gentle pressure. 

With each stroke of her quill, Rune found herself drawn deeper into the intoxicating web of their shared secret, her heart pounding with whatever simmered just between them. And as they continued to navigate the delicate balance between rivalry and attraction, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them—what adventures awaited beyond the confines of Hogwarts, and whether what she felt for him could ever truly one day flourish. 

𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now