𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟐: 𝐁 𝐅𝐨𝐫?

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Rune stretched across her bed and squinted at the at the golden alphabet in the center of the black ring that Super Mysterious Guy had given her. 

"B," she sighed, twirling the ring around her finger. "B for Barty. B for Bryce." 

A groan of frustration rose in her throat. He'd given her a clue, but it was so unbelievably unhelpful. 

Both Barty and Mulciber- her two subjects of possibility for Super Mysterious Guy- had names beginning with B. 

And with Super Mysterious Guy being Super Mysterious Guy, there was a huge possibility that he'd given her the ring with the B just to throw her off. 

"B," she hummed again, studying the ring closely.

Super Mysterious Guy's scent was in her memory.

All she needed to do was get into the dorm room and find the owner of the scent and she'd know who he was. 

She placed the ring on her bedside table and went to sleep. 


Rune barged into Super Mysterious Guy's dorm room the next morning and sighed in relief when she found that only Rabastan remained in the room. 

"Hey," he greeted. "Regulus is already gone down to breakfast." 

"Bold of you to assume I'm looking for him," she scoffed. 

"Oh..." He perked up. "What do you want then?" 

"This is a top-secret task so you can't tell anyone about it." 

"Okay," he said rather unsurely. 

"Do you know where Crouch and Mulciber keep their perfumes or colognes or whatever they use?" 

"Bathroom counter." 

"Thank you," grinned Rune and without waiting for an invite, she strode on forward and entered the bathroom. As soon as her eyes landed on the bathroom counter, her stomach dropped. 

Scattered over it, were bottles and cans of different sizes and shapes. 

"Lestrange," called Rune. "Whose is whose over here?" 

Rabastan ambled into the bathroom. "We all share." 

With a sigh, Rune looked down at the counter. 

"I'm looking for a specific scent. A little spicy with subtle hints of a flower. Probably Lavender or Vanilla. It smells very male and very expensive." 

Rabastan held his arm up in front of her. "Like this?" 

Rune inhaled the scent on his sleeve and nodded. "Yes! This exactly." 

"It's a new one. It's Evan's. We're all using it." 

Rune sighed once again as she murmured, "Complete fail." 

"Are you looking for something specifically?" He cleared his throat. "Or someone?" 

She dug her fingers into her pocket and closed her hand around the ring before taking her hand out and opening her palm to him. 

"Do you recognize this?" 

Rabastan's lips curved upwards as he met her eyes. "You're done for, aren't you, Rune?" 

"What?" She closed her palm as she frowned. "You know the owner of it." 

He nodded. 

"Tell me he's nice."

𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now