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Regulus Black was perpetually unhappy.

And for a boy still shy of eleven, perpetual unhappiness did not bode well. He curled his fingers into tight fists as he glanced at the empty seat to his left- the seat his brother was supposed to be sitting in.

Though he was still a few weeks away from starting his first year at Hogwarts, he had already developed a hatred for the place. It had stolen his brother from him.

Not even the music and laughter from the crowds drawn in to watch the travelling circus could improve his mood. His eyes travelled along the banner hanging above the stage.


He heaved a sigh as a group of erlking performers bowed signalling the end of their performance and the noise escalated as the crowds exploded with applause.

His shoulders sagged as he slumped back in his seat but a sharp pain on his side had him straightening his back immediately and sitting properly.

He glanced sideways to his mother waiting for her reprimand, but her eyes remained focused forward, her face as unreadable as ever.

The applause quieted as a striking, middle-aged man stepped onto the stage, arms spread open as though he were master of the world. His self-praise flew over Regulus' head, but a survey of the faces in the crowd around him showed that this Ringmaster had them enthralled.

"And for our final act this evening," boomed the Ringmaster, as he glided across the stage and down the draped staircase, and a cage of thick steel was lowered undoubtedly to secure whatever beasts were about to be presented. "I bring to you- from the shores of North America-A MALEDICTUS!"

Gasps erupted from the crowd and some intelligible parents ushered younglings to the exit of the arena.

Regulus shifted his gaze to the layers of the exquisite curtain, peeling away slowly to reveal the Maledictus. The spectators' gasps grew even more exasperated when they saw the being that emerged.

 Rather than a horrific beast, on the center of the stage stood a girl, no older than Regulus himself.

The words of the Ringmaster were drowned out as exclamations of praise for the ethereal beauty of the Maledictus rang out. She had golden hair looped around her head in the form of a halo, decorated with the same glimmering glass beads that ran along the length of her black shimmering dress that pooled around her.

The identity of the Maledictus was shielded by a fine mask, only a few shades darker than her hair.

The Ringmaster chuckled delightedly and knocked his cane against the bars of the cage. "Yes, yes, indeed. She is lovely. Take a good look because soon..." His voice dropped lower as he said, "Soon she will turn into a horrific beast. And one day, she will forever be trapped in that body."

Hums and laughter trickled through the crowds and the lights flickered once more, turning dim. The Ringmaster grinned, displaying his pristine teeth and his voice reverberated through the tent as he hollered, "I present to you, the highlight of my show, RUNE!"

Cheers and applause rang through the crowds as the girl rolled her neck and began to melt into fine, interweaving coils, swallowing up her magnificent gown as she did.

The lights flickered off, bringing the arena to darkness, and compelling the crowd into silence.

An alluring hiss rippled through earning screams from a few. Regulus' eyes widened in awe as glimmering kaleidoscopes formed behind the steel cage and projected into the crowds.

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