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Tony was running outside through the streets in front while you followed close behind. He had tried to get you to stay inside but you had refuse, even though you later realised you didn't have a weapon.

As a women fell, you quickly caught her and helped her back up. She stares at you for a moment, looking horrified.
"You okay?" You ask. She doesn't say anything, suddenly running again.

Before you could do anything, another car came speeding over, hitting the post beside you.
"Help him!" Tony yells, gesturing to the guy in the car as you continue following him.

"Friday, what am I looking at?"

You couldn't hear what Friday responded but Tony seemed to be springing straight into action. He turns, pulling you beside him as he looks at Strange.

"Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc!" Tony yells.
"We might wanna use it" Strange respond as he summons his magic.

"We might wanna destroy it!" You yell back as Tony walks around the corner, seeing a huge spaceship landing down, causing the wind to have massively picked up. "That's not Thanos's ship" you tell Tony. "But it could he one of his children."

"Friday, evac anyone south of 43rd Street! Notify first responders!" Tony yells to himself as the spaceship slowly begins landing. Suddenly, the wind is pushed away. You and Tony both turn, seeing Strange wink as he takes his hands down.

"Show off" Tony mutters as he turns back around. As a beam of light drops, two of Thanos's children land. One of them was Ebony Maw.
"Shit" you say. "Thats them. Well, two of them. They work for Thanos."

"Great" Tont sighs, stepping forwards. You stay by his side, glaring dangerously as Ebony.

"Hear me and rejoice" Ebony starts his speech again. "You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful.. that your meaningless lives are now contributing..-"

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today," Tony yells. "You better pack it up and get outta here."

Ebony looks from Tony to you, glaring at you for a moment and tilting his head. He recognised you instantly, making you shift uncomfortably. He then turns to Strange.

"Stone-keeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?" He asks.

"Certainly not, I can speak for myself" Strange says, pushing his fists together twice, summoning his magic as he aims it towards Ebony. "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet."

"It means get lost, Squidward!"

"He exhausts me" Ebony says, his glare going back to you. "Bring me the stone."

The bigger alien beside him growls, suddenly starting to walk towards you lot.

"Banner, you want a piece?" Tony turns to Bruce, who glances at the alien.
"No.. not really. But when do I ever get what I want?" He responds, rubbing his hands together. "Okay, push!"

His neck turns green for a moment but it quickly fades. You look over.
"Oh shit."
"It's been a while," Tony says, unaware of what was happening. "It's gonna be good to have you, buddy."

"Okay.. shh, let me just.. I need to concentrate for a second..."

Everyone looks at Bruce as he carries on trying to get the hulk out, squeezing his fists and groaning. You look at Ebony, who was still glaring at you. You awkwardly smile.

"Where's your guy?" Tony asks.
"I don't know.. we've sorts been having a thing."
"There's no time for a thing!"
"I know!"
"That's the thing right there," he points to the alien, who was still walking over. "Lets go!"

Even More Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now