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Loki POV:

I kicked Melody back, seeing her fall back angrily. She was very strong and I knew no matter what I did, I couldn't physically kill her. She hasn't struck me yet and I don't plan on her doing so.

"Would you just stop for a second?!" I yell. "You're very clearly loosing."
"I'm winning as long as you're in my sight" she groans, standing again. "You can't kill me."
"Can I severely injure you?"
"Are you asking permission?!"

"I guess I'm not" I shrug as she comes at me again. I grab her arm, stabbing her in the stomach with my dagger. She screamed in pain, clutching the dagger and glaring me down. "Stay down."
"Not until you're dead" she snarls, taking the dagger straight out and plunging it into me instead.

"Now we're even" she spits.
"Odins beard, you really are sisters" I sigh, quickly blasting her back. I take my chance, putting up my illusion and running from the room. I gesture for the guards to close the door, not letting anyone leave.

I could hear her screaming on the other side, telling me to open the door. "Keep it closed until I come back" I tell the guards, who nod as I walk away. I knew exactly where I was heading.

As a child, my mother and Odin would leave to Midgard regularly to visit Norway. Sometimes, me and Thor would join them. Other times we wouldn't. I'd often communicate to my mother through the small rock, tankesnakk.

I clutched my wound, planning to deal with it later. It wasn't really fatal so I wasn't too concerned. I entered the room, seeing it there. It reminded me instantly of my mother. "I'm sorry" I whisper. She was dead because of me.

I didn't dwell for too long, taking a seat and grabbing the tankesnakk. My hands were shaking, drenched with my own blood as I tried to use it.


"No" I breathe out. "No, please, no!"

I tried again. And again. I had to make sure she was ok.



"Dr Cho!" Steve says through comms.
"He's uploading himself into the body."
"The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark."
"First, I have to find it."

You listened to Steve and Dr Cho talk through comms, standing beside Natasha and Clint inside the jet, ready. "Did you guys get all that?"
"We did" Clint tells Steve.
"I got a private jet taking off across town" Natasha says. "No manifest."
"I'm also here" you add, not wanting to remain silent.

"That could be him" Natasha points to the van driving below.
"It's a truck from the lab" Clint says, turning to you quickly. "Could you sense Ultron?"
"No, he's a robot" you remind him. "But it's from the lab so my guess is that he's in there."

"Cool. It's right about you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge" Clint informs him.
"It's them" you say. "You got three with the Cradle, one in the cab."
"Thought you couldn't sense robots."
"I can't. Tony has some cool machines though and it tells us whose in there. You see- ow!"

A sudden pain starts in your head. It was sharp and constant for a moment, almost trying to force its way in. After a moment, it goes away.
"You okay?" Natasha asks.
"I'm fine" you say. "I think the witch is messing with my mind or something."

"I could take out the driver" Clint suggests to Steve.
"Negative. That truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron."

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