Date Night

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Loki's POV:

I woke up, groaning in pain and I clutches my lower stomach. I was in the medical ward, not remembering anything except Melody stabbing me. I look around, spotting a girl sitting beside me.

"You're awake" she smiles.
"Whats going on?! Where's Y/N?"
"She's fine. She's gone to speak out about the kings injury. Her wound is still healing though so she's taking it easy."

"Right... and, who are you?"
"I'm Wanda. Did Y/N not mention me?"
"Oh, she did" I chuckle. "Apparently we've adopted you. How did you get into Asgard?"
"Thor took me" she says, instantly alarming me. "No, don't worry! He's gone now. He doesn't know you're alive."

I slowly sit upright, glancing her up and down. An actual witch, who was supposedly my child, was sitting beside me and smiling like she had known me all her life. She wasn't afraid or angry and she had probably just saved my life.

"Thank you" I say, gesturing to my stomach. "For.."
"No need to apologise" she smiles warmly. "You're probably wondering what happened with Melody. She died two days ago-"
"I've been out for two days?!"

"It took a while to get the poison out. It spread quite a lot before I was finally able to start" she admits. "I should've started sooner but I was worried about you being in such a public place."
"All that matters is that you did save me" I tell her. "I couldn't have asked for anything more."

The two of us heard footsteps approaching rather quickly. Y/N ran into the room, looking exhausted as she carried a new sword. She had a new set of armour on and as she locked eyes with me, she grinned.

"You're awake" she smiles, dropping the sword and walking over. "You feel okay?"
"I feel perfectly fine" I respond. She had a face of relief, sitting on the bed and taking hold of my hand.

"This is Wanda-"
"I know. She's amazing" I say, making Wanda grin happily. "So, she's our daughter?"
"Yes. She's staying for a couple of days but she said she's stay in here to make sure the poison doesn't come back while I was away. I've been getting calls from Tony non stop-"

"Through her phone" Wanda responds. "I gave her one because the rock thing can't contact everyone. She can't even answer one call."
"It's confusing!"
"You just click the green button!"

"Tony then calls me and asks why Y/N isn't answering" Wanda tells me. "It's hard to explain that she is over 1000 years old so she is technically an old lady-"
"I am barley 20 in Midgardian years!" Y/N yells.

I listened quietly, smiling. The humorous bickering between the two made me feel peaceful. Like I was finally home. This was where I was meant to be. I had finally found my family.

"Loki?" Y/N asks. "You ok?"
"Never better" I say. Y/N nods, turning to Wanda quickly.
"Can you give us a minute? I'll show you to your room afterwards."
"Okay" she smiles, exiting the room.

Y/N crawls up the bed, placing her head on my chest. I wrap an arm around her, holding her close.
"You sure you're okay?" She asks me.
"I've never been happier, darling" I respond. "I have everything I could have ever wanted."

"I was really worried that she had killed you. Don't ever scare me like that again!"
"I'll try" I chuckle. "I promise."


One week later...

"Ok, just try defending. Don't attack me" you say, aiming your sword at Wanda. She aimed hers back, nodding.
"Go easy on me."
"I am!"

"You're not. You get me within 10 seconds."
"Yeah...." You try to think of a response, looking down in shame. "Yeah, but... it's fine, let's go."

Even More Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now