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"Wow.. Look at all of you!" The Grandmaster laughs as the crowd cheers. "What a show! What a night! Whose having fun?!"

You and Loki made your way to the VIP room, hand in hand. He led you there, the two of you laughing a little along the way. You leant your hand against his shoulder as you carried on walking.

"Big round of applause for all of our undercard competitors who today.. died so gruesomely. Good sports. What a show! What a night! This is what you've come for and so have I."

You and Loki enter the VIP room, grabbing a drink each. You sit down beside him, sipping your drink.
"You think this'll make me drunk?" You ask him, making him laugh.
"I hope not."

"Well, I hope it does" you say back. He puts his arm around you, sipping his own drink. The two of you had decided to just watch for happens. Autumn was sitting with Valkyrie instead to give you two some time together.

"And now, without further ado, it's main event time. Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising.. got a couple of tricks up his sleeve.. I'll say no more, see what you think! Ladies and gentleman, I give you... Lord of Thunder."

"Holy shit!" You gasped, sitting upright. His hair was short. They had cut his hair. Loki seemed just as shocked as Thor walked out. "A simple haircut can really change how you look" you say. "Loki, don't ever cut your hair."

"I wouldn't dream of it" Loki responds.

"Watch out for his fingers, they make sparks" The grandmaster laughs as the crowd boos Thor. "Okay, this is it. Let's get ready to welcome this guy. Here he comes..."

The crowd cheered, green fireworks shooting out. You sat forwards a little, actually interested in who the Champion was.

"He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him. He's undefeated. He's the reigning. He's the defending. Ladies and gentleman.. I give you.. you're incredible... Hulk!"

Your face drops as Hulk smashes his way out, roaring loudly as the crowd cheers. Hulk?! Bruce?! He was here?!

"YES!" Thor cheered, making the crowd so silent as well.

"We have to get off this planet" Loki says, standing up and dragging you with him.
"Hey, hey!" The grandmaster stops him suddenly, pushing him back. "Where are you going?"

You drag Loki back, smiling innocently at the Grandmaster as the two of you sit back down.
"Act normal" you whisper.
"He smashed me into the ground!"
"You did throw Tony out of a window."
"Your point?"

"Hey!" Thor calls up. "We know each other! He's a friend from work!"

The Grandmaster slowly turns to the two of you, making Loki look away and pretend to clear his throat. You honestly found the entire thing a little bit funny.

"Where have you been?" Thor asks him. "Everybody thought you were dead! But, so much has happened since I last saw you. I lost my hammer. Like, yesterday, so that's still pretty fresh. Loki. Loki's alive! Y/N has been dating him, can you believe it? They're up there!" Thor points to the two of you.

"Loki! Y/N! Look who it is!"

Loki had a look of dread on his face.

"Banner, I never thought I would say this... but I'm happy to see you."

The crowd continued to chant 'hulk', making Hulk turn to them.
"Banner" Thor called out. "Hey Banner!"
"No Banner, only Hulk!"

"Thor's going to die" you sigh, putting your head in your hands. Was he seriously still trying to talk to him?!

Even More Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now