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The ship slowly landed as you laughed a little at how dramatic Loki was. His hand slips into yours as the two of you step down.
"Did you miss us?" Loki asks the Asgardians as your warriors from PeaceTribe came running out.

"Everyone, on the ship now" you say as you and Loki walk towards Heimdall.

"Welcome home," Heimdall smiles. "I saw you coming."
"Of course you did" Loki sighs.

You let go of Lokis hand as Autumn came running over, looking around.
"Wheres Val?" She asks.
"We'll find her later" you assure her as you wield your sword. "We have a bigger issue."

Helas army was running towards you all on the bridge, making Autumn quickly wield her sword too. You turn to your army.


As you point your sword towards the army, they ran straight into combat. You made sure to lead them, driving your sword around and killing as many of them as you could.

You quickly blasted a few of them down, taking the chance to back away towards Loki.
"How much longer until the Asgardians are on the ship?" You ask him.
"Too long" he says, pulling you behind him as he stabs another one.

The sky suddenly turned dark as a huge bolt of lightening hit the palace. You saw Loki smirk as Thor flew down, crashing into the bridge and taking down half the army.

"This'll be good" Loki smiles, taking off his horns and using them to hit more of them. You slide down, taking off one of their legs and stabbing them. You noticed Autumn running away, turning and seeing her making her way to Val, who had just landed.

You focused your attention back to the army, taking more of them down with ease. You and Loki fought back to back, kicking them down one by one before Thor finally made it through.

"You're both late" Thor says as the two of you walk toward him.
"You're missing an eye" Loki gestures to it, making you look at him.
"What the fuck happened?!" You ask.

"This isn't over" Val walks through the three of you, Autumn following close behind. Hela was walking slowly down the bridge.
"I think we should disband the Revengers" Thor turns to the lot of you.

"Hit her with a lightening blast" Loki tells him.

"I just hit her with the biggest lightening blast in the history of lightening. It did nothing" Thor says back.

"We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board" Val says, making you nod.
"Autumn, get our warriors back onto the ship" you tell her, to which she quickly nods and runs back.

"It won't end there" Thor tells you all. "The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her right here and now."
"So what do we do?" Val asks.

"I'm not doing get help" Loki quickly chips in.

There was a long moment of silence as Thor glances between Hela and the Asgardians. Autumn was already running back, standing back beside you.

"What did I miss?" She asks.
"Thors having a moment" you respond.

"Asgard's not a place.. it's a people" Thor says, making you confused.
"I'm sorry, what?!"

Thor turns around. "Loki... this was never about stopping Ragnorok. This was about causing Ragnorok. Surtur's crown, the vault!"

Loki glares at him silently.

"It's the only way."

"Wait, what's Ragnorok?" Autumn asks.

"Bold move brother," Loki tells Thor. "Even for me."

Even More Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now