Highway To Hell

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The two of you didn't talk much. You knew he was mad at you and sure, it was justifiable. So you remained silent. You came towards the address, watching and Thor knocked twice. Suddenly, the two of you were inside.

"Oh god" you sigh.

"Thor Odinson" you hear a low voice, turning quickly. A man flew over towards you two. "God of Thunder. And Y/N, part of the Tribe of Minds."
"A fucking wizard" you groan. "For fuck sake."

"You can put down the umbrella" the guy says to Thor. "And don't swear in here, Y/N."
Thor glares challengingly, slowly putting the umbrella down before the three of you were suddenly teleported again.

"So.. Earth has Wizards now" Thor chuckles, touching one of the things on the table. Before you could say it in time, everything was falling down. You looked at the Wizard awkwardly, smiling as Thor attempted to save it.

"The preferred term is, 'Master of the Mystic Arts'. You can leave that now" the wizard says, making Thor nod.
"Alright.. Wizard."
"Who are you?" You ask him. "Where is Loki?!"

"My name is Doctor Stephan Strange and I have some questions for you both. Take a seat."

Before you could say anything, the three of you were sitting down. You glared at him in surprise, making him cock a brow.
"Tea?" He asks.
"I don't drink tea" Thor says, glaring at the tea in his hands.

"What do you drink?" Strange asks.
"Not tea" Thor laughs before his face drops, seeing his tea had changed to beer. Strange turns to you.
"And you?"

"I'm not thirsty" you say, popping yours down onto the table.
"Very well. So, I keep a watch list of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world. Your adopted brother, Loki, and your lover, is one of those beings."

"He's a worthy inclusion" Thor says, watching as his drink refills.
"Then why bring him here?!"
"We're looking for Odin" you tell him. "Therefore, we need Loki back. Please."

"So, if I were to tell you where Odin was, all parties concerned would promptly return to Asgard?" Strange asks.
"Promptly" you nod.
"Great! Than I'll help you."

"If you knew where he was, why didn't you call us?" Thor asks.
"I have to tell you, he was adamant that he not be disturbed. Your father said he had chosen to remain in exile. And.. you two don't have phones."

"No, I don't have a phone, but you could have sent an electronic letter. It's called an email" Thor says.
"I used to have a phone, my daughter gave me one," you say. "But.. I threw it out a window-"

"Do you have a computer!" Strange asks you and Thor.
"A what?" You ask.
"What for?" Thor adds on. "Doesn't matter. Anyway, my father is no longer in exile, so if you could please tell me where he is, I can take him home."

"Or, better idea, you tell me where Loki is and I'll take him to Asgard if you leave Odin in exile" you say, earning a glare from Thor. You ignore it, though Strange gave you a funny look.

"He's on Norway" Strange says, making you groan.
"Fuck sake" you sigh. "I don't want to put up with Odin's bulls-"

You were cut off as the three of you were teleported into a library, Strange already holding a book.
"I'm just seeing wether this incantation requires any Asgardian modifications... nope" Strange smiles.

You were about to say something when he teleported you all again, making Thor fall into the bookshelf.
"Oh.. we don't need that" Strange says, teleporting you both again. This time, Thor broke one of the shelves.
"Well done" you say sarcastically.

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