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The group of you headed towards the warehouse where Ultron and the enhanced were. Honestly, you had no idea what to expect. You were slightly nervous but you ignored it. You knew your task and you'd do it.

Although, Ultron was a lot bigger, stronger and... human-ish than you had imagined. He had his own mind, his own body, his own everything.

"What the fuck is that thing?!" You ask Tony, hiding so that they couldn't see you.
"Watch your language" Tony whispers, gesturing to Steve.
"Sorry old man" you say, turning back to Tony. "But, seriously, what the fuck?!"

"I didn't want this!" Tony defends himself. "He just... well, sometimes being smart is too good to be true."
"If you were smart that thing wouldn't be trying to kill us" you snap back. Tony raises his eyebrows at you.
"I want zero attitude or I'm sending you home."

"What- you asked for me to come down here! You can't-"
"Guys" Natasha cuts you both off. "Enough chit chat. We need to get into positions. Ultron isn't waiting around, neither should we."

She was right. You watched as Ultron kicked a man down the stairs who had compared him to Tony. He was mad.
"You think he'd be offended if I said I'd pull the plug?" You joke with Tony, who laughs and high fives you.

"Very good. Right, lets get into positions" Tony says, making the team instantly run into position.

"Stark is... he's a sickness!" Ultron yelled down.
"Ah, junior" Tony frowns, landing in front of him. Thor and Steve were behind him while you stayed hidden. "You're gonna break your old mans heart."

"If I have to" Ultron responds, turning to the three. You saw the girl they were talking about. She looked young, wearing a red dress. The boy was behind her. This would be easy.

"Nobody has to break anything" Thor tells him.
"Clearly you've never made an omelet."
"You beat me by one second" Tony frowns.

"Ah, yes, he's funny. Mr Stark" the boy walks forwards. "It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?" He asks, looking down towards the missiles beneath them.
"This was never my life. You two can still walk away from this" Tony tells the enhanced. "Trust me, you want to."

"Oh, we will" the girl smiles.
"I know you've suffered-" Steve tries, only to be cut of by Ultron.
"Ah! Captain America! God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but-"

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it" Thor cuts him off, making you gasp.
"Thor, I wanted to hear what he was going to say!" You say through comms.

"I think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet'."
"Uh huh.. what's the vibranian for?" Tony asks.
"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan-"

Ultron catches Tony off guard when he suddenly blasts him. You were taken back, not realising that he could do that either. Tony and him were not fighting, as was Thor and Steve below with some other robots.

Suddenly, an army of men joined the fight. They began firing at you, giving away your cover.
"Shit!" You scream, reaching for your swords and ducking behind a missile. You peek over, seeing 2 men heading your way.

"Kid, you okay?" You hear Tony ask through comms. "We kinda need you."
"I'm fine. Focus on the robot, I'll focus on my thing" you respond, clutching your sword. You leap over, instantly driving your sword into the first soldiers chest. "Night" you smile.

You turn to the other, ducking as he attempts to shoot you. You grab his wrist, kicking the gun from his hand. "Didn't your mum ever tell you it's rude to attack women?" You ask, head-butting him before kicking him to the floor.

Even More Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now