Chapter 22: Milim Nava and Kirishima

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2 days later

Gazel: I've returned once more, Rimuru!

Kumoko: Well, obviously, but why are you back?

Rimuru: What she said.

Gazel: Ah, to bring you a gift, of course.

Deku: What is it?

The King then ordered his men to "Give" the gift to Rimuru by throwing the sack. The sack is then revealed to be someone that Rimuru, Tsuyu and Kaijin recognize.

Tsuyu: Wait, hold on!

Kaijin: Isn't that Vesta!?

Deku: You three know him.

Gazel: It's wasteful to let a gifted man like Vesta sit around and do nothing. You see, he hasn't been allowed to work for me since the trial.

Tanjiro: What trial?

Kumoko: Yeah, can someone explain what's going on?

Rimuru: Well basically... *Explains what happened in Dwargon*

Tanjiro: I see.

Kumoko: So he's an asshole.

Tsuyu: Not the words I would use, but kinda.

Gazel: Now that you're all caught up, give him a job.

Kaijin: But, my king, you should think about the needs of Dwargon. The Dwarves will surely suffer without his knowledge.

Gazel: Bold words from someone who left Dwargon behind himself. Our nations are allies now. Sharing resources is what we do. This is your chance to develop your country even further.

Rimuru and his friends dealt with Vesta and gave him the role of scientist in the caves. Just like canon, he is one who currently researches and experiments with healing potions to make them stronger. Meanwhile, we see a few Demon Lords like Milim and Ariel watching the orc battle from Calyman's crystal ball.

Milim: Interesting! Very Interesting! I'd like to go investigate these new toys, personally!

Calyman: Now, now, Milim.Don't forget about our pact with the Forest of Jura.

Milim: *😐* What? But it's so dumb... I mean, with Veldora gone, can't we just ditch the whole non-aggression pact?

Echidna: Now there's an idea.

Ariel: This will be fascinating to see about the Forest of Jura. What do you think, Calyman?

Calyman: I don't see why not.

Milim: Right, then it's decided! But promise we won't interfere with each other. Fair enough?

Sirzechs: Seems reasonable.

Milim: Well, okay. As long as everyone's in agreement. I'm off to go play with my new toys! Let's go, Kirishima!

Kirishima: Yes, Lady Milim.

Milim: Make sure you stay outta my way, Calyman, Carrion, Frey, Ariel, Sirzeches, Echidna and Anos.

The two then fly off towards Tempest.

Echidna: You know, I always wanted to see what the city in the Forest of Jura is like. I'm thinking about later of seeing it myself later with my gang.

Anos: Milim would be annoyed if you broke that promise.

Echidna: True, but I'm also excited to see what they are.

Calyman: I don't mind.

Ariel: Go right headed.

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