Chapter 20: Kizuki- Orc Disaster

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Deku/Tanjiro: *Senses something*Rimuru, behind you!

Rimuru turns to see a red light passing by him. The red light crashes down between the party and the Orc Lord. As the dust clears, everyone sees the puppet master of Orcs, Gelmud.

Rimuru: A majin...

Tanjiro: He must be Gelmud that Benimaru was talking about.

Gelmud: What's the big idea!?! You have some nerve choosing to interfere in the great Lord Gelmud's plans. A new Demon Lord who would've done my bidding was just about to be born, but now you've gone and ruined everything!

Rimuru: A Demon Lord?

Deku: Say what now?

Gelmud: You heard me! Why do you think I gave out so many names? Sowed so many seeds? It was all part of my plan to create the ultimate pawn!

Deku(Mind): Is this guy serious?! And I thought that All For One was the worst.

Hakuro: Now I understand...

Benimaru: *Clenches his fist*

Souei: That's why you attacked us?!

Shion: And Killed our people?! *Clenching her sword*

Rengoku: How heartsless of you!

Obanai: *Hisses* Unforgivable!

Tanjuro: A person like you should not born after the sins you have committed.

Everyone was tethered in front of Gelmud, the Orc Lord and his army behind him.

Gabiru: Oh, thank goodness, that's Lord Gelmud himself. But why are you here? Could it be that you've come to save the Lizardmen?

Gelmud: Shut up, you stupid lizard!

Lizardmen: ?!?

Gelmud: Why don't you just let the Orc Lord eat you already?!

Gabiru: *😧* Huh?!?

Melmud: Get it through your head! You're literally so worthless that you'll never be anything more than a nuisance! But if the Orc Lord eats you, you'll become part of his strength! Take heart in the fact that at least if you die you'll finally have served some sort of purpose. *Turns towards the Orc Lord* Dinner is served, Orc Lord!

Orc Lord:...

Gelmud: What's wrong?

Orc Lord: ...A new Demon Lord will be born...? I don't understand...

Gelmud: Ugh. You really are an imbecile. *Points his staff at him* It's you! You'll become the Demon Lord, the Orc Disaster, and rule over the Forest of Jura. That has always been the plan, and it's what they and I desire!

R/D/T(Mind): Who's "they?"

Orc Lord: ...

Gelmud: Why are you just standing there, YOU FAT, STUPID PIG?!

Nezuko: Okay, I think I heard enough of your rembling nonsense.

Melmud: *Turns to Nezuko* Excuse you?!

Nezuko: You got some balls to come here, I'll give you that. But if you're using minions to serve under you that are powerful then you, *😈* That makes you the weakest link in the book.

Melmud: *😡* W-Why You! I'm the great Gelmud!

Nezuko: Tresh would be a better name than great.

Tanjiro/Tanjuro(Mind): *😦* Damn, where did Nezuko become savage?

Melmud: Alright! You ask for it! I'm going to make you regret underestimating me! I'll show you the power of a superior majin! Deathmatch Dance!!!

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