Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle

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Chapter 17; Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle

“I almost thought you guys weren’t going to make it.” I said as I glanced at the clock and saw that there was only ten more minutes until closing.

“I told you we were going to come in.” Michael said as he looked around the café. “Slow night?”

I looked around and saw that the place looked disserted. “Not really. They seemed to stop coming in about an hour ago. That’s when Heather left.” No matter how much she didn’t want to.

“So you’re here all by yourself?” David asked as he pushed himself up on the counter and sat down.

“Yup. It seems like it just me and Heather that work here sometimes…”

“Maybe I should apply.” Phil said with a smirk on his face as he took in the café.

That was when I realized Sydnie came along. If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead under her gaze. “Maybe you should.” I said, trying to get under her skin, knowing Phil would never actually apply.

Phil jerked his head towards me. I’m assuming he didn’t expect me to agree with him. “Do you think this Heather chick would hire me?” If I didn’t know better, I’d assume he was being serious.

“Uh, I don’t see why she wouldn’t…it seemed like she wanted to get some more reliable workers in. You aren’t serious are you?”

“Yeah. It doesn’t seem too hard.” Phil said as he walked around the counter, spinning in a slow circle, taking everything in. “We could all work here.” Phil added after he made his slow circle. “We would be the best workers she’s ever had at making the coffee.”

“At night time.” Alex said, looking between Sydnie, Phil and I. “I don’t think it would work out too well.”

“Why? I think it would be great.” Jay said from a table in the back.

“Same here. We can work the night shift and do concerts every now and then.”

“See. It’ll be perfect.” Phil said with a smile on his face.

“You guys can do whatever you want.” I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair. “What are you guys wanting?”

“Ice vanilla latte. Venti.” David answered first as he hopped off the counter and joined Jay in the back of the café.

“I’ll have a Mocha Valencia…Tall.” Jay said from the back.

“Cinnamon Spice Mocha. Grande.” Alex said, still looking between the three of us with a confused face.

“Venti Carmel Macchiato.” Aaron answered after a brief pause.

“Same for me.” Phil said as he joined Aaron, David and Jay at the table in the back.

“I’ll take a Grande Java Chip Frappuccino. No whip cream though.” Michael said as he leaned over the counter, making sure to grab my belt loops so he could pull me towards him.

I pressed my lips swiftly to his, making sure to pull back before it got too heated and looked back at the clock before I looked at Sydnie. “Did you figure out what you wanted yet?”

“I want a short Vanilla Crème Frappuccino.” Sydnie said before she walked back to the table with the guys, minus Michael.

“What’s her deal?” Michael asked as he looked back at her.

“She thinks I have the hots for Phil.” I said as I got started on the coffees that I had to make in the next five minutes.

“I knew she was stupid, but is she really that stupid?” Michael asked as he reached over the counter so he could put the money he took out of his wallet on the counter.

“I guess so. I tried telling her about us this morning, but she wasn’t hearing it. She might be deaf.” I shrugged as I finished the first coffee. “Your coffee is done David.”

“Sweet. Thanks.” He said as he hopped up, almost crashing his chair to the floor in his rush to get up.

“Do you want help making those?” Phil asked as he looked back at the clock.

I saw Sydnie give me a death glare when I accepted. I wasn’t going to turn down help when I needed it to make all these coffees. She needs to get over her childish jealousy problems. She must be blind if she thinks Phil and I have any type of relationship going on, when I’m clearly with Michael. “I’m sure she could manage on her own.” Sydnie said, trying to pull Phil back down next to her.

“Its fine. It’ll get done a lot faster if someone is helping her.” Phil said as he plucked her hand from his bicep.

“Thanks.” I said as he walked around the counter and started making the coffee’s that were still needing to be made.

“No problem.” He said as he set the cup down that Jay wanted.

“You know…you make a really good cup of coffee.” David said, not bothering to take the straw out of his mouth.

“I’ve had a lot of practice.” I said simply as I set another coffee on the counter.

“I’ll let you make Michaels. I don’t want to get bitched at if it isn’t to his expectations.” Phil said as he set Aaron’s coffee on the counter and started on his own.

“You could always get over here and make your own.” I said with a smile on my face as I looked up at Michael.

“I like the idea of you making it for me.” Michael said as he got closer so he could see my every move.

“You better enjoy it. It wont happen very often.” I said as I grabbed two more cups, one for me and one for Michael. Unlike him, I liked a lot of whip cream, so I did a bottom layer, middle and top layer before I started on Michael’s after he gave me a death look. “Relax. That one is for me.”

“While you’re making mine…I’ll just drink some of yours.” Michael said as he snatched my coffee and started drinking it down.

“You’re such a bitch. You cant wait two more minutes to get your own coffee.” I said as I hesitated over the whip cream can, knowing he didn’t want any.

“Don’t even think about it.” Michael said as he saw my hand start to grab the can.

“And what would you do if I decided to put some on top. You obviously like mine.”

Michael looked stumped for a second before a smile slid across his face. “No sex.”

“That’s really the best you can do?” I said as I squirted some on top of his coffee. “Now let me clean up so I can get out of here.” I said with a smile on my face as I grabbed a rag and wiped down the table tops. “So what do you guys have planned for tonight?” I asked, as if nothing happened.

“We were going to go to a bar down the street.” Alex said as he started drinking down more of his coffee.

“You can come if you want.” Phil added.

Phil isn’t really helping Sydnie believe there isn’t nothing going on between us. “Uh, sure. I guess I can go.” I said without thinking. “Should I call Holly, Andy and Bridget?” I asked looking at Jay, Alex and David.

“Already did. They’re meeting us there.” David smiled as he finished off his coffee and tossed it in the trash.

“Lets get going then.” Aaron smiled as he hopped up and started heading for the exit, everyone besides Michael following behind.

I put the money for my coffee in the tip jar for Heather when she comes in, in the morning and grabbed my purse. “You know you can catch up with them if you want.” I said as I shut out the lights, making sure to set the alarm on our way out and lock the door.

“I’m fine waiting. You never know what kind of creepers are out here.”

I slipped my hand into Michaels hand as we followed a few blocks behind everyone else to the bar. “You weren’t serious about the sex thing were you?” I asked after a minute.

Michael chuckled, “You’ll have to wait and find out, now wont you.”

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