Episode 156

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Pagaya: Are you calling them crimals
Luffy: Illegal? What's that?
Pagaya: Let's just say it's not good
Mcki: There's no usmakingng exuecse. He took out a picture of Luffy.
Amazon, the inspector at Heaven's Gate sent us pictures taken by a vision dial.
Pagaya: Oh, no! That can't be true! Isn't that something sort of a mistake, Captain Mckinley? They're not the criminals you're making them out to be.
Sanji: what do you mean by illegal entry?
Robin: Is it because of the ridiculous entrance fee of one billion extol per person? Indeed, we didn't pay for that
Usopp: But that old lady said we could still pass without paying. She didn't try to stop us.
Chopper: Yes, that's true.
Stella: So. technically you should be calling the old lady a criminal.
Mcik: It's no use. Please stop making excuses and admit it. However, there's no need to panic yet. "Illegal entry" is only an eleventh-degree crime according to Heaven's judgment. Once you accept your punishment, you can become a legal tourist on the spot.
Sanji: Oh, you should have said so sooner. I still don't like it, but what is this punishment?
Mcik: It's simple. Please pay ten times the entrance fee.
A/n Does he know how stupid that is? If they didn't pay it first then why would they pay now?
If you pay right now, we'll humbly write off your crime. 10 billion extor per person, that is 80 billion extol for all eight of you.
Usopp: Eighty billion extol. Wait a mintue, how much is ine extol in berries?
Mcik" Berry... That's the currency used in the Blue Sea, right? Today's exchange rate is ten thousand and extols per berry.
Usopp: One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand...
How much would that be?
Stella: Then 80 billion extols is 8 million berries.
Sanji drops his cigarettes
That's expensive! Do you realize how much rice we could buy with that? After risking our lives coming up into the sky, why do we have to pay that much just to enter your precious city?  We can't agree to that!
Mcik: You brought this on yourselves. If you had just paid the 800,000 berries, we wouldn't be having this conversation now.
Stella: That's still way too expensive. No city is worth that much for entry.
Mcik: Consider this your first warning. The white Berets serve directly under the Almighty Enel's priests. Arguing with us will only raise the degree of your crime. Oh, whatever. Let's just forget this guy.
Sanji: More importantly, we'd better find Nami. I'm worried. She might need my tender affections right now.
Nami: Those guys earlier knew about ya coming to Skypiea, which means Luffy Stella and the others might be in trouble. I have to hurry!
Luffy: Okay, then! As soon as the wind direction changes, we'll go out for another adventure... I mean look for Nami!
Usopp: Hey, Luffy!
Luffy: Usopp, what's wrong
Usopp: Mind. No, no... I should calm down now and talk some sense into him. You know, if Nami is just taking a little ride around here, she may be back any time. If she does, we'll miss her. We don't want that, do we?
Luffy: Taking a little ride?
Chopper:But she's taking too long for that! Usopp goes to Chopper
Listen! Luffy and Stella's purpose is to go on an adventure to prove they can go where he's told they can't go, not to find Nami! And if Stella wants to go as well there is no stopping the two.
Robin: That's right
Zoro: Let's just go.
Stella: A little adventure wouldn't hurt us.
Usopp: Conis warned us about that, remember? If we go, we'll encounter Enel's wrath. Then, who knows how much trouble we'll be in?
Chopper: What are going to do?
Usopp: We should just wait for Nami and try not to upset the white Berets.  It's Nami we are talking about. She must have a secret stash with some small amount like 7 million berries or so. If not she and Stella can combine theirs to equal that much. Actually, there's no way she doesn't.
Mcki: What have you been blabbering about? Come to think of it, it seems one person is missing. In addition to the illegal entry now there's suspicion of fleeing.
Usopp: Hold on a second She'll be back soon. Then we'll pay the entire amount. So, please relax and wait calmly. He smiles and gives him a thumbs-up.
Usopp:Luffy, you too! If you do something stupid and make Nami angry, you know what's gonna happen, right? Got that? Just wait! Just a bit, okay? Sanji, you too.
Sanji: Yeah. Then, guys, we break up for now!
Sanji: Now Robin, shall we have some tea over there?
Robin: Sure
Stella: I'm going to go train
Usopp: I somehow managed things for the time being. Heg chopper! Do you want to go fishing or something
Chopper: That sounds good! Let's do it
Usopp: Conis! Is there any place around here where we can go fishing
Conis: Yes, there's one nearby. I'll take you there.
Luffy: I can't wait to ride it! I hope it can be fixed.
Mcik: That waver looks broken. If you're the ones who broke it, it'd be a tenth-degree crime, destruction of Sky Island property by Blue Sea people.
Pagaya: No,no! Im sorry. They jad this one from the beginning.
Luffy: He's right! This is mine!
Mcik: From the beginning? That's suspicious. Wavers shouldn't exist in the blue sea. If this was something stolen on the sky island. The degrees of your crime will further increase.
Luffy: Shut up! I'll beat you up!
Mcik: Beat me up?
Usopp ran to him
He didn't say anything. Come with me Luffy.
Mcik: They're only Blue Sea people, and yet they insult even the White Berets... How foolish they are!
Sanji: This is nice! This puffy chair sure feels good.
Zoro was sleeping and so was su
Stella was training with her whip.
Usopp: What a strong pull!
Chopper: Don't let it get away, Usopp!
Usopp: It's trying to pull the rod away!
Chopper; Luffy! Hurry!
Luffy: Oh! Leave it to me they all were pulling the rod
They pulled out a big fish.
Usopp: we got it.
Luffy: It's a big one! Yahoo!
The line broke making them fall back.
The fish was coming at Conis
Stella then used her whip on it and kicked it down
Usopp: What the heck is that
Stella: What a weird fish
Chopper: It tried to eat conis!
Zoro: is this another one the skyfish?
Pagaya: I'm sorry. Thank yoy very mush for saving conis.
Conis: Father look....
Pagaya: We're in trouble.
Mcik: Well, well... This skyfish is so rare that it's forbidding to capture it.  Your action was a violation of the protection law, and it's a night-degree crime.
Chopper: Why is it a crime? Stella saved Conis!
Usopp: Stella, did you kill it?
Stella: My whip may have spikes on it but all I did was smack it.
Usopp: I see. Then if we release it there shouldn't be any problem, right?
He kicks it.
All right! It's very much alive!
Luffy: It looks yummy!
Usopp: luffy, don't eat it!
Luffy went to take a bite
Mcik: You're just digging your grave son. Eating an endangered species is an eighth-degree crime.
Luffy: This is hard. It's so hard to eat.
Usopp: Forget that and come over here Luffy! Hey, Skyfish! Go back to the sea now! If you see bait, don't bite it!
The fish goes back.
Stella: I've been biting my tongue all day long listening to all the so-called crimes you're accusing us of. If you don't cut it--
Usopp: Stella, wait! Don't be hasty!
Mcik: This is not far being arguing.  Your behavior is an extortion attempt. Congratulations, that is a seventh-degree crime!
Usopp: Stella wasn't trying To extort you! She was about to say, "If you don't cut it out, I'll laugh" That's all!  It's kind of like his catchphrase a silly gag!
Chopper: This isn't fair. He's trying to get us in trouble on purpose!
Usopp: Chopper! Don't you go making things worse, too!
Chopper: The only way not to get in trouble is to do nothing.
Usopp: Do nothing? That's it! Let's just take a nap and hope we don't get charged for loitering. Okay, it's nao time! He goes to sleep.
So do all the boys.
Mcik: Mind. How dare they make such a racket on Angel Beach.
Usopp opens one eye.
Listen up, you're all in violation of Skypiea's noise pollution statutes, a sixth-degree crime will be added as well.
Usopp: So we can't even snore?
Luffy: Enough, already! Let's put a beating on this beret-wearing freak!
Zoro: Shall we do it?
Stella: Haven't had action in a while
Usopp: Stop it! Guys, cool down!
Name: Oh, no... There's a whole group of people! I wonder if it's these guys from earlier. I hope Luffy and Stella aren't pulling any of their stunts.
Usopp: Don't be so hasty, Luffy, Zoro, Stella! Listen. You know snajls, right? They're...
Nami: Hold on a second
Sanji: Nami, you're all right!
Nami: Luffy! Stella! Don't give them any trouble!
Both: But they...
Usopp: Nami! Go ahead and pay them the 8 million Berry fee. For our illegal entry using you and Stella's secret stash.
Nami: Good! We cab by get by with a fine then? Eight million berries, he said..? She goes faster.
She then hits Mcik
That's too expensive
He crashes
Oh, shoot! Because they demanded such an unreasonable high fee, I unintentionally...
Zoro Usopp: Hey...
Stella: Way to go Namim
Man: Capatin!
Nami: Hey mister, thanks for letting me use your waver. It was fun.
Pagaya: No, no. I'm sorry. More importantly, you all are in big trouble!
Man: Hang in there!
Man 2: Let's get out of here!
Nami: Aren't you going to finish the fight you just started? It's dangerous to have anything to do with God thing. Seriously!
Zoro: By the way, what crime would that be?
Pagaya: I think it's probably a fifth-degree crime for obstructing official duties.
Usopp: Good! That's still only a fifth-degree crime!
Conis: That's not good! When it's determined to be a fifth-degree crime, in the name of god Enel, you'll be banished to the clouds.
Luffy: Bansihed to the clouds? What's that? Being banished to the clouds sounds kind of nice.
Conis: No, it doesn't It's the death penalty!
Chopper, Nami, Usopp: Death penalty?
Man: He's completely out of it.
Zoro: But the death penalty in God's Land? That's harsh.
Conis: But it's the truth. It really exists! It's a punishment where you, together with your ship, are put on a cloud that you can't escape from, and you keep wondering until you become bones.  It's the death penalty!
Robin: I see. That's why that ship fell from the sky.
Usopp: What? What are you talking about, Robin?
Robin: Remember that galleon that fell from the sky? The St. Briss, was it?  They might have received that punishment 200 years ago.
All: Hey you!
Man: Do you realize what you've done to the Captain?
Sanji: What did you say?
Nami: Sanji, hold on
Sanji: Why sure Nami
Nami: Don't be upset like that. That was by chance.
Man: By chance?
Nami: Well, how should I put it, I unintentionally...
Man: Unintentionally?
Nami: You know... it was like an accident.
Man: An accident, you say?
Nami: That's right! It was an accident!  Cause it's hard to control and ride a waver, right? On top of that, I rode it today for the first time, so I made a little mistake while turning the handles. I'm clumsy, aren't I? I guess beginners shouldn't push too hard, after all, should they? Laughs
Luffy: She wasn't having trouble riding it, it looks like she was having lots of fun!
Usopp: Hey Luffy. She's trying to make them think it was an accident.
Nami: That's impossible
Usopp: Don't say anything unnecessarily.
Luffy: Really?
Pagaya: I'm sorry, but I thought it'd be better to treat Captain Mckinley first.
I'm sorry.
Man: That's right!
Pagaya: Then, let's carry him over to my house.
Man: We appreciate your assistance! Heso!
Consider yourselves under preliminary arrest. Don't go anywhere! Understood.
They crawl away
Zoro: Why are they crawling again? Can't they carry him like normal people?
Conis: You guys saved my life so I know you're not bad people. So please take this chance and get away from here! She runs away
Usopp: Wait!
Nami: Let's do as she says. I saw it with my own eyes. And an island filled with monsters!
Zoro: So you did go to the place they call forbidden scared ground.
Luffy: The place we were told to never set foot on.
Stella: And there are monsters.
Usopp went to Luffy and Chopper went to stella
Usopp: Don't give them any ideas!
Nami: There's nothing to get excited about, the last thing we need is to get involved in this. In any case, we're leaving!
Sanji: It breaks my heart to be apart from Conis, but if that's what Nami wants...
Nami: If we stick around, Conis and Pagaya may get in trouble because of us.
Usopp: That's right! Those guys will just make them out to be our accomplices! If we can escape now on our own, they shouldn't get in any trouble. How can they be helping us if they're with the captain?
Usopp, Robin, and Chopper were on the boat.
Nami: What are you doing, Luffy? Stella
Luffy: Why are we running away?
Nami: We'll be in big trouble!
Stella: We're always in big trouble.
Nami: As I said, it's not just us coins and Pafaya may get arrested too.
Luffy: Those two have done nothing wrong. Whoever arrests them is wrong.
Nami: I know that's true
Conis: Please hurry up...
The captain grabs her hand
There's no place for them to escape.
Usopp: How long will you three be arguing? Come up already!
Nami: How many times do I have to tell you two? If we stay here, everyone will be in even more trouble!
Stella: Either way, we're in big trouble.
Conis: Save yoursleves! Please hurry!
Nami: Darn!
Mcki: you shouldn't miss it. If you say something to defend these criminals, you two are also going to pay. They are felons who should be sentenced to be banished to the clouds as punishment for their fifth-degree crimes, caused by all their abusive language towards us along with their obstruction of our official duties.
Nami: Like I said, it was an accident! Forget it! She takes Luffy and Stella's hands.
Mcki: Arrest them!
The man had arrows pointed at them.
Conis: Please, run! You can't win!
Mcki: Fire the milky arrows!
The man fired then
Stella: Go, Nami. run
Luffy and Stella dodged the arrows.
Luffy feel on one
What are these? Clouds?
More was coming at them
Stella pulled Luffy in time
Mick: White Berets, Attack!
They rode the clouds.
Luffy and Stell jump over them.
Luffy: Cool trick. Do you mind if I try
Mcik: Let's go!
The man had knives and went to attack
The two were running
Luffy: These clouds are so fluffy that it's hard to run!
One tries to attack them
Mick: How foolish to think you could get away from us!
The man stops
Luffy: I see... Those are the skating types. That's neat!
Three man sktes to them
Luffy: I have to get a pair of those
Stella: You wouls only fall in them.
Luffy: I would not
Luffy streches his arms
While stell used her whip to get out of the way.
Before the knife could get them
Man: Did yoh see his arm?
Conis: What? His arm stretched!
Pagaya: I hope he's okay.
Luffy: Gum-Gum...
Mick: Can't be. Devil fruit?
Luffy has his body spin. As he attacks
He's able to attack them all at onces.
All the men fell
A man went for Stella and both Zoro and sanji Attacked the man.
Zoro: A piece of cake Nami! What's our financial situation?
Nami: We have 50,00 berries left.
Zoro: 50,000? We're thar poor?
Nami:Normally, that'll last us a day or two at most.
Luffy: why are we so poor? As captain I gotta say this. You should be more mindful about how you spend or money and...
Sanni: So lead by example!
Usopp: In any cause, the fighting "formation B" I thought them was pretty suscessful.
Chopper: Really?
Pagaya: They defeated the white Berets!
Conis: Ubelievable! Normally, up here the athletic abilties of Blue sea people decrease.
Mcik: Poor, deluded fools! You can't go back now!
You should've just behaved and done what I told you to do. We, the white Berets, are the most lenient upholders of the law in Skypiea. However, they are not nearly as forgiving as we are! Laughs.
Congratulations, you are now second-degree criminals! You can try to cry for mercy, but you'll all be judged... by the priests of Upper Yard! Heso!
A/n I can't wait to laugh in his face when they all pass.

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