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After meeting with Gon and when Killua introduced the tickets to Hisoka's fight he was able to get his hands on them, the three of them decided to grab a bite at one of the nearby restaurants near Heaven's Arena.

The trio sat at an outdoor table with an umbrella over their heads, Killua ordered a simple tea and [Name] ordered a small meal while Gon ended up ordering a mountain of food, stacking up each empty plate on one of them with a large soda.

"As a 200s fighter, I got dips on tickets." Killua started, crossing his arms on the table. Across from him was Gon finishing his last chicken stick while the girl in the middle of them continued eating her [Food].

"The tickets to Hisoka's match are really a hot item!" He added, this time smiling.

[Name] hummed, grabbing a napkin to clean her lips as she continued chewing, "Really now? That's weird coming from a guy like him..." She looked up at the insides of the umbrella they sat under.

"But there are even scalpers hawking them!" The white haired boy leaned closer to the girl with his arms still on the table causing her to smile awkwardly at his sudden outburst.

"So I've been gathering information, and it even turns out Hisoka is the real deal." This then caused [Name] and Gon to stop eating and focus on Killua.

"He has an 8-3 record with 6 KOs, and each KO, lead to a death."

The information made the girl choke on her food unexpectedly and quickly reach for her drink. Gon jumped in his chair and immediately pushed her drink closer to her so she could reach it more easily.

"What-?!" She coughed out in between breaths looking at Killua to which he only shared a shit-eating grin.

"But don't worry, statistics show that he's lost three matches. His matches were lost due to forfeits."

This time, Gon stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Killua with his hand still placed on the coughing girl's back, "Forfeits?" He questioned raising a brow.

The boy across from him slowly turned his face into a mischievous cat-like grin, "He reached the registration deadline, so he signed up for a fight but didn't even show up."

By this time, [Name] regained her ability to breathe again and slowly drank her [Drink] before placing it down gently on the table and wiping her mouth one last time.

"So that means..." Gon said out loud, "If Hisoka actually fights, he doesn't lose." [Name] finished for him with a small bead of sweat sliding down her forehead.

Killua then went on to explain how Hisoka has only given up a total of four points on how he beats his opponents. The white haired boy was able to notice that in every fight, Hisoka always followed on clean knockdown, three clean hits, and that he was probably as strong as a floor master.

"Man, I'm in trouble..." Gon stated out loud. Killua and [Name] peered their heads toward the green haired boy and noticed he was now cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

The girl's eyes lingered towards his pinky finger, noticing he still had kept his promise to Wing.

As the three began to make their way up back into their rooms at Heaven's Arena, they continued their conversation. From there, the two began to learn about Hisoka's appointment, with a guy named Kastro. They walked into the main floor and both learned that he was about the same level as Hisoka. Kastro, the anonymous fighter was able to land a a sole knockdown on Hisoka. Other than that, the unknown man was still able to land 3 hits on him

Once they made it to the escalator, [Name] stepped up first while the two boys trailed right behind her on the escalator.

"Apparently, they both registered on the same day so they could fight each other." Killua added, staring ahead of him as the three of them advanced upwards to the upper floor.

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