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"Well... it tastes..."

Menchi then leaned back on her chair thinking about it for a while until she made up her mind.


[Name] raised a brow creating a 'hm?' sound.

"You pass."

The smaller girl's eyes widened in shock, and the dish worked. Everyone then gasped feeling angry that a 12-year-old was the only one to pass. Buhara laughed patting his belly, "Man that was so much food! I'm stuffed!" [Name] was still in utter shock that she made it before turning around and saw Gon and Killua smiling that she made it.

"Yeah, I'm stuffed too." Menchi stood up, putting one hand on [Name]'s shoulder and her other on her hip, "Thus being, no one passes aside from contestant 406. We're finished here!" She yelled out the last sentence. Everyone began to murmur if she was serious about only one person passing the exam. People began to become furious with her final answer, some getting out of their cooking spot creating a small crowd in front of the three on the stairs. Suddenly a crash was heard, and everyone turned their heads to see that a big man had crushed his kitchen station.

"I refuse... I refuse to accept this!"

The two started to argue about how the test was to make both examiners satisfied with a dish, and that only one person was able to do that. People began to throw a fit, saying all pork dishes were the same angering Menchi. After calming down Menchi sat down again unbothered. That wasn't until a fight broke out, Buhara slapping away the same guy that broke his kitchen station sending him metres away from the castle.

The 12-year-old girl only stood there awkwardly her arms at the sides of her body in a straight line not sure what to do in front of at least 50 people.

"Buhara, please don't interfere," Menchi said calmly to the man.

"But if I hadn't done anything you'd have put him in his grave." He said back, he then gestured a hand towards [Name], telling her to come by his side. [Name] complied, walking over beside Buhara standing there as Menchi laughed standing up with knives in her hands.

"That is true."

As Menchi walked down the steps, explaining how important it is to be a gourmet hunter and that it's not all just a silly job to talk about. She began showing her audience that she was 100% serious when becoming a gourmet hunter, showing off her skills so she wasn't all talk. Her argument comes to conclusions on why only one person had passed and the rest will be disqualified. Everyone had stayed put in their place when she finished talking leaving everyone in shock.

That wasn't until a loud voice came from the sky.

"Even so,"

The voice started, and everyone's heads looked up. From what [Name] could see, she saw an air balloon in the sky.

"Not passing any candidate is a bit strict."

[Name] opened her mouth in awe looking at the blue air balloon and saw the Hunter Association mark. She instantly thought of who could be up there but knew right away it was most likely the one who controls all Hunter exams.

Suddenly, a man jumped out of the air balloon, causing a loud crash on the floor to boom out, brown smoke covering everyone's eyes, but at last, once the smoke had gone away, [Name] saw an old man wearing a very unique outfit. The man began to walk forward in front of Menchi as someone questioned who the guy was before she replied,

"He's the head of the selection committee, the person in charge of the Hunter exam."

[Name] gasped quietly,

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