𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊

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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗫𝗧 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚 I felt...weird. It wasn't a bad feeling of weird, it was an oddly good weird feeling, a feeling I hate because it was peculiar. I felt Logan's arm around me, his steady breath fanning my neck as he slept. I blushed and felt my stomach flip and widen in nervousness.

Last night was...unlike any other night I've spent my life living. Unlike Yuno, Logan was careful, soft, slow. His lips on my skin were soft, so soft it sent shivers down my spine and heat to my core. His tongue was warm and despite the blood, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the feeling he gave me, the feeling that then came along with it.

I've never felt that before, and he gave it to me. And again, and again, until I was pleading for him not to stop. Even taking over at one point.

I never craved a man's touch before, never wanted to be kissed or seen naked. Logan was my first everything I think I would've been in love years ago.

Wait. Love? Love? Love.

"Your heart is racing." I froze. His voice was deep and groggy. Logan hugged me tighter and I couldn't stop my rapid heartbeats. Stupid werewolf senses. Then he moved his arm. I didn't want him to. I sat up and wrapped the sheet around me before looking back at him.

He's lying back, yawning and cuffing his hair. My eyes drifted to his bare chest, then further down. I stopped, looking away. I stood up and pat my hair down. This is so stupid. Stupid feelings. Stupid...stupid everything.

Before I could do anything else there was a knock at the door. "What?" Logan drags out.

Cain spoke from the other side. "I need to talk with Lolita for a second."

I looked at Logan and he sat up. He got out of bed, still fully naked. I turned away as he got closer to me. He stopped by me. "Yeah...give us a minute."

An hour later we were both walking out of the room fully cleaned and clothed. We showered together. I hated showering with Yuno. But Logan isn't Yuno, everything about him is different. And I like that fact. Not to mention he gave me my space.

Logan and I went to the kitchen and I didn't feel hungry at all. Julian wasn't anywhere in sight. Cain was, however, eating cereal. He looked at us, then at Logan, smirked, then looked at me.

"Good morning to the both of you. Well it isn't really morning but, morning nonetheless." Cain gleams. Logan took my hand in his and lead me over to the island. I took a seat on the stool and he took the one next to me. Cain was on the other side.

I know he went out with Julian yesterday to get me food, I hope when they got back here we didn't disturb them. That's embarrassing as it is. Or maybe they got back after we were done, which would be way better.

"Morning." I mutter.

"Julian is working on your food. He has been all night. He says he'll be done by the end of the day."


"What did you want?" Logan finally asks.

"Oh, right, Lolita. I need a favor from you."

I tilt my head. "What kind of favor?"

"It's about Julian. So last night he and I got into a bit of an...we had a disagreement on something and as it went on, said debate, I had an epiphany. However, since he surely won't say anything to me, I need you to tell him that you're ready to get your memories back."


"Because, Lolita, I need answers. He didn't just leave you for no reason. Julian, and I don't know if you two have noticed this but he's practically unbeatable. He can cast spells without a book or spices or anything. He's a master at what he does, he's said so himself. Not to mention him being around for centuries, learning different languages and witchcraft. Julian is a fucking god at this point. Even when we were in the woods with Yuno, he was able to shield us before Yuno got to us.

"While you were talking, I was listening." That's what he told me. Then I asked him if what he and I spoke about a week ago was true or was he lying to me, and he got angry, very angry. So much so he threw me into a fucking tree. Julian is downplaying his powers, Lolita. He didn't leave you because of you being hunted by the wolves. No Vampire would help a wolf, especially not a wolf killer.

"I'm thinking you were born a tribid. Your parents gave you to him because they didn't know what to do. In my theory, and I know it's a stretch but-

"Cain...you need to breathe, that's first of all," Logan cuts in. Cain heaved a breath. "Secondly, it's all about what Lolita wants. If she's not ready to remember Julian, then she's not ready."

"But you don't understand. Julian killed that wolf back then and whoever that vampire was, surprisingly made it out of whatever the hell Julian did. And the reason why I think he let Lolita go was because he nearly killed her that day too. That medicine, that thing he's always smoking, it's all natural herbs. He says it stabilizes his "drinking" problem. I call bullshit on that."

Logan sighed and sat back. "So what are you trying to say?"

"That he's using it to down play his powers. I think Julian can get worse than just touching your forehead and saying Yaman to put you to sleep. He can do more than that. What about what happened in the library when you went to question him?"

He's right.


Not you Lolita. But then again Cain is right, that night Julian and I had a talk, he got angry and he did something to me, he controlled me. And he is strong. But like I said, it's up to whenever you're ready. Don't let Cain pressure you.

"Oh come on, no link talking. This isn't rocket science either-

"What isn't rocket science?" Julian said. We all looked at him and he took a pull from his pipe. It's medicine, Cain said, but medicine for what? Is it really used for something else?

"Hmm, I'll go on a whim and say that I was the subject at hand." He grins coquettishly. "I feel honored. What about you Lotus?" I never have a problem with Julian calling me lotus. But after what Cain was spewing I'm kind of curious.

"Why do you always call me Lotus?"

My question intrigued him. Julian walked over to me and set his hand out, he touched my head and smiled. "Well, you like them a lot. Or perhaps," he moves his hand. Julian went into a haze, his mind wandering. His expression lie deep in features. It's hard to read exactly what he's feeling or what he could be thinking.

What I have noticed also is how he's always so...soft, when I'm around. "Perhaps you did." He says. His tone was different, his brows dropped into deep creases before they relaxed back to his forehead.

"I'll call you Lolita then. If you wish." His eyes met mine and again there goes that look again. I read it as a sentimental "hmm", from him.

I'll need to test it first, to ease my way into wanting to know more about him. It's not like I'm not curious about the man that raised me, it's just that Cain's sparked that interest more now.

"L-Lotus is fine, I don't mind it."

"That's good to hear. Also, I made you breakfast."


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