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𝗜 𝗠𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗗 𝗠𝗬 foot away from her neck and took a step back. She's disgusting. I decided to save her and this is how I get repaid? By her stealing the food I work hard for? I already put my title on the line for bringing a low class wolf like her onto scared territory.

Cain himself said he was amused by my actions. I myself am amused. I would never go out of my way to help someone as weak as her. Once word doesn't get out that I helped a lone wolf, I should be fine.

Thing is, I don't know what to do with her. I looked at Cain and he shook his head in amusement. I should slap him. I don't know what's so funny about this. I looked back at her and she's still laying there. Pathetic.

"Get up." I demand. Lolita got up and I recoiled. "Clean up my floors you disgusting pig. Whenever you're done here Cain will bring you to my office. I still don't know what to do with you."

"I am not staying here."

"Do you have a home to get back to? Last time I checked you don't."

She glared. She actually glared at me. "I. Am not. Staying here."

Why don't I just let her go? Why didn't I just let her die out there like I did the rest of 'em? This feeling of confusion makes me angry.

"You have no other choice. And if you try to escape or leave I'll kill you."

"I'd rather die."

I pulled my hand back and punched her in her side. She clenched up, holding her side. "Don't you dare speak to me that way! I am a fucking alpha! Know your place!" I spun around, making my way out of the dining room.

I heard Cain hum before sighing. I know he's going to follow me and talk some shit about my temper. Who cares. I went upstairs and went to my office. I paced around for a bit before balling my fists.

I punched the wall, putting a hole inside of it. I pulled back and screamed to myself. Being an alpha isn't easy at all. If anything, I feel like I've gotten way worse ever since I became one. I closed my eyes, inhaling sharply.

I could hear my own heartbeat thumping in my ears. I inhaled again and caught a smell. I exhaled heavily and lightly tapped the wall with the flat side of my fist. This is ridiculous.

I took a seat at my desk and sighed. The door to my office opened up and in stepped Cain. He's smiling. He's always smiling like there's always something good going on. Well maybe for him. He's had a mate for years and two weeks ago they just had their eighth kid.

He's not the richest guy either, so I don't know why the both of them don't stop sprouting mouths they eventually have to feed. It's stupid.

"I see it's safe to come in now." He tease. Cain eased the door closed and shuffled over to my desk. He stood like always. "You know, I've been contemplating on what I should say and how I should say what I want to say for the past two weeks now, and I think I've got it." He then took a seat, which interest me.

He never sits down. Cain says it's not good for the spine. "I think, and mind you I've been pondering this after the third day of her being here, that the reason that you quote, "don't know what to do with her", is because you don't want her to leave."

I gazed deep into his hazel eyes. "Elaborate."

"Well what I'm trying to say is that I think you found your mate."

There was silence for a moment. My mate? I would have thought it to be a joke considering that he's Australian, but the term "mate" these days doesn't mean friend.

"Her? As my mate? That she-dog being my mate is absolutely acerbic."

"Well, that's what you say. If you didn't care about her, why not leave her where she was? Why bring her here? Why make sure that she's clothed and doing well? And why, during the two weeks of her supervision did you ask me how she was holding up?"

"That was one time, and I was curious."

He grinned. "You're not one for being curious, nor this infatuated by a single person. You like her, that's why you didn't kill her and that's why you still have her here."


"Then let her go." I hate when he does this. "If she means nothing to you...let her go."

"Fine...I'll let her go. Saturday. I still have to gather information from her."

"For what? I thought you didn't like her." There it goes again, that teasing smile of his. I eased my eyes closed and huffed.

"I want to know where my brother is. Our fight isn't over yet and this is more than war now."

"My guess is that he covered himself with some sort of repellent to stop us from finding out where he scoured off too. You know Wiccans are out here getting famous for that shit now."

"Tch, pussies. Doesn't matter. He'll come barking his way back. I'll kill him then. Just see how the others are doing and take Lolita to the cage."

His brows dipped and I looked away. "Don't give me that look."

"I have to. Not only is there a blood moon in six months, the full moon is literally two weeks from now. You need to figure out what to do with her before that time comes."

"I fucking heard you Cain."

He shook his head and stood up. Before he left he looked back at me. "Before I go can I ask you something?"

"What?" I pinched the bridge of my nose and gazed at him.

"When you're normally angry, you don't just yell and punch a few holes in the wall and suddenly you're calm. You go on hour rampages, killing things and hunting for fun. So what calmed you down so quickly?"

He's not my beta for show. "Just do what you're told."


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