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Tonight a war is on between the Scavengers' dogs and Opollium. Logan, the the alpha of Opollium, was casually planning on expanding his territory when his beta and best friend since birth, Cain, approached him about the brewing fight Scavenger's Dogs leader, Yuno, wanted with the man.

Nobody dares to challenge him, ever. But tonight, it's different. Tonight, someone did dare to challenge; and what's even more remarkable is that it's his older brother who wanted to bark and throw claws.

When there are times like these, for battle, there is always a fight between each leader's omega to see which side would get the first swing.

And the tension in the air between the ten men in total is thicker than fog itself. Yuno glared at his brother, ready to pounce on him and rip him apart. The reason for this fight is because of something Logan did. He killed Frankie, his best friend since birth.

Frankie was an alpha, but too much of a nice one. But Frankie wanted something Logan wanted. Territory. Frankie didn't want to fight seeing that Logan was the younger pup of his best friend, so he decided to talk to Logan instead.

But it was a terrible idea that lead to an even more terrible outcome. Logan outsmarted the kind hearted wolf, and ripped him apart, not for territory no longer, but for title alone. Of course Yuno was not expecting his brother to actually do what he did, but Logan left the both of them shocked, and pained at the same time.

And so, having discontinued his grieving, Yuno wanted to avenge Frankie. Even if it's been ten years. However Logan could care less. What's done is done. Their's no bringing back dead souls. And Frankie should have known better putting his guard down to Logan even if he is related to Yuno.

He wasn't fit to be an alpha.

"Yuno, you have some nerve coming at me like this so sudden. Aren't you supposed to be looking for a mate?" Logan provokes.

"Shouldn't you? Oh wait, you can't because I'm sure you scare every girl away."

"I think you're mistaken. Pussy love power brother."Logan watched as his omega of the group, Ritch, take his beastly form. Ritch isn't a weak man, none of his men are weak. Logan would rather be killed by an omega himself than to have weaklings running around him.

The men on each side watched as the two wolves started their fight. As Logan watched the fight, Yuno was glaring at his brother. He doesn't give a shit about the starter match, he wants his brother all to himself.

The fact that his brother became an alpha at all was the worlds worst choice. Logan singled out all sounds, wanting to focus more on his brother. But he caught another heartbeat.

Faint, low, weak.

Logan's eyes glowed a bright red as he looked in the west direction. That's another reason why Logan is feared by many and praised by few. His senses surpasses the average wolf, alpha or not, he can out sense anyone.

"Logan!" Yuno growled loudly.

He didn't have to look in his brother's direction to know that his brother was going in full beast mode. Logan turned, his bones cracking and shifting as his body covered in a thick coat of black fur. His eyes got a darker shade of crimson and before Yuno could slash him, Logan pivoted out of the way, slashing upwards at his brother.

His claws cut deep, drawing blood already. He's feared for a reason. His cold demeanor, his extraordinary senses, his lack of sympathy and empathy of others. Doesn't matter who it is he fights; in the end he always kills them and if it means killing his brother tonight, then so be it.

Yuno faltered but regained himself. He slashed upwards and missed. Logan bared his fangs, sinking his teeth into his brothers neck. Logan clawed his brother and Yuno pulled back. A loud growl filled the area, shaking trees around them.

They didn't care about the other fights happening with their packs. Their each other's focus. Yuno lunged at him, flipping them over. Logan shook his brother off, biting him one again, this time in his side.

The taste of blood on his tongue made him hungry for victory.

You fool; thinking you could beat me!

Before Logan could strike again, the sound got closer. Then a sharp turn to the left. And the smell. Yuno noticed his brother's distraction and clawed him in the eye. Logan growled lowly and pulled back, running off in the direction of the mysterious sound.

He knows it's another wolf. That wolf, however, is making their way towards his territory.

"Logan!?" Cain calls. Logan ignored him and continued his pursuit on all fours.

Past the river.

He took a turn, heading northeast. The heartbeat, the low huffs, and the heavy smell of fresh blood. It's animal blood. He wants to know who's daring to step foot on the things he marked his.

Logan made it to the riverbank and jumped over. He was just minutes away. Meters. Seconds. His red eyes darkened when he finally got a glimpse of them. Logan pounced and quickly caught up to the lone wolf. He hates wolves like these the most.

They're always easy to kill and he's always glad to put them out of their misery. He hates lone wolves and weak wolves. Some would say he's bullying the defenseless creatures, but in truth, he's only helping them put an end to their self pity.

Logan latched onto the smaller wolf and cuffed it's back with his claws. The smaller wolf growled, twisting their body. Logan pulled back, taking chunks of skin off of them.

The smaller wolf tried to fight back but it was no use. It was obviously weak and malnourished. Logan knocked it into a tree and the smaller wolf broke through it stumbling over until it hit another tree.

Logan went up up to the wolf, huffing lowly.

It whimpered and locked eyes with Logan. Blue on red. It made him even more angry. Omega's. What a waste of capacity. Logan shifted back to human form, wanting to kill this one with bare hands. He snatched the crying thing up by its neck and snarled at it.

He made sure to the stare the wolf back in its eyes to make it known how powerful he is. He can't be outnumbered, outran, outsmarted. None of that. He's all powerful.

"I'm a fucking Alpha!"

Just as he was about to put the wolf out of its misery, it shifted. The white coat of fur disappeared, it's blue eyes turned a normal grey, their body shifted back and soon, Logan wasn't staring at a weak beast he was about to put out of its misery; he was staring back at a girl.

Shivering, naked, bleeding from her mouth and the wounds Logan inflicted upon her. Logan just stared, still holding her up in the air by her neck. Her skin is pale like snow and her hair is a sharp silver. Logan also noticed a thick scar on her left eye, and more healed ones in different places of her body.

The sound of her heartbeat was faint. Logan loosened his grip on her, setting her down onto the ground. Logan just stared at her oddly...confused.

"Logan!?" Logan turned around only to see his beta. He's still fully clothed, making it known to Logan that he only went into battle halfway.

"Why the hell did you run off?" He asks, breathing heavily.

Logan heard a low grumbling sound, she's hungry. She looks it too. He can see her rib cage through her skin. Cain stepped next to Logan, looking down at the girl. He looked at Logan and then looked back.

"Yuno is still perusing you." 

"Take her back to base, I'll finish this."

Logan shifted instantly and ran off, leaving Cain with the girl. Cain looked at her. It's obvious that she's weak and on the brink of death. So why have him bring her back?

Cause that's an order!

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