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𝗜 𝗛𝗔𝗧𝗘 𝗗𝗢𝗚𝗦. Why them, why her again? Sighing I caught him as he fell forward. I didn't even get a first name from this handsome fellow.

"What did you do to him?" The girls speaks. I gazed at her, smiling faintly. No wonder he wants nothing to do with her as a mate, she's quite the parrot. A try hard if you may. If you're so strong, there's no need to prove it.

"I put him asleep." I set him onto the beanbag and sighed. Lolita, my lotus. What happened? Where are you? Again I sighed and took my seat, flipping to another page. Whoever has her is trying their hardest to break through that barrier.

Even if it means having us warlocks and Wiccans killed. And us Wiccans know. The sense of another spell. But it's strange. Her scroll showed after a healing spell was performed.

"That would make her 107." The other speaks. I looked at him and his golden browns set into mine.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Lolita. If she was born in 1917, she would be 107. She looks no older than twenty-five though."

"Could be her vampire side. They do age slowly."

"This is crazy, but awesome."

"I caught that you read Arabic. How so?"

He shrugs. "In my free time I study."

"But it's ancient Arabic. Nobody knows ancient Arabic. Maybe Ancient Greek but never Arabic."

"Like I said. I study."

"Interesting." I eased the book closed and set my pipe down. "I'll be able to find her, but it will require bloodshed."

"War?" He asks. I shook my head.

"According to your alpha, Lolita is his mate. Since mates are usually linked, maybe having his blood in the air in a hundred mile radius will gain her attention."

He itched his scalp. "Yeah, about that. He didn't quite mark her as yet. He just...he only just claimed her."

I laughed. "No wonder your sister had the reaction she did."

His brows dipped. "How'd you know she's my sister?"

"You two look a like. Duh. By the way, I didn't quite catch names from any of you."

"I'm Cain." He held out his hand and I stared for a moment. Don't tell me he's afraid to express himself. I took his hand and shook. He'd make a perfect bottom.

"And you, try hard?" I bent my neck back getting an upside down look at her. She only glared at me. She doesn't have to tell me. "Okay, and the alpha?"

"Logan." Cain answers. "And my sister's name is Tana."

"Logan? As in the Logan? That ruthless alpha I've heard so much about?"

Cain nods to confirm. "He's as handsome as they say he is."

"Could you get to finding her already?" Tana speaks.

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