Chapter Twenty-Six

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Ellie's POV:

"I'm pretty sure the Cloud sisters aren't even human." Lisa exclaimed after we watched Rain shrug off two defenders and continue forward with the ball like nothing happened.

"Well I can tell you that after playing with Rain for two seasons now, she isn't." Rosie replied, leaning forward on the couch to watch the game a little bit closer.

We have been on an international break in England for the last week now and only had a short training session today seeing as we have a match tomorrow.

The short session gave me just enough time to change and make it inside to catch the rest of the USWNT friendly with Australia.

Regrettably, Lisa and Rosie decided to join me.

"Goldie would know if she's human, wouldn't you?" Rosie directed at me, raising her eyebrows up playfully.

I just rolled my eyes at her and continued watching the game.

"Oh? Have there been new developments since we last saw each other?" Lisa asked, scooting closer to me on the sofa and nudging my shoulder with hers. I still refused to look away from the game, afraid I'd give too much away.

There had indeed been new developments since all those months ago but they didn't need to know about them. That's between Rain and I.

"No." I answered shortly.

"So you wouldn't call you and Rain spending every ounce of your free time together a new development?" Rosie challenged.

I finally huffed and looked at her.

"Rain and I just... We get along. Can't I be friends with someone without you lot being weird about it?" I frowned at the pair of them.

They raised their eyes in surprise at my defensiveness. Honestly, I was surprised by it myself.

The room fell quiet and the only noise was that of the game sounds from the telly.

"New developments indeed." Lisa giggled, breaking the awkward silence. I tossed a throw pillow at her and Rosie joined her in laughing.

I groaned and turned my attention back to the TV where Riley Haze had just earned a free kick in a dangerous area for Australia right outside their box.

I watched as the taller members of the USWNT made their way to the box, the tallest being Rain, waiting to make a run towards the far post.

Charlie Walker was standing over the ball ready to take the free kick...

Snickering from beside me interrupted my focus on the game. I glanced over at my two teammates and they were staring at something on Rosies phone.

I narrowed my eyes at them but ignored it and turned my focus back to the game just in time to see Rain's head connect with the ball and send it towards the goal. I jumped to my feet without thinking ready to celebrate when the Australian keeper made an incredible save, stopping the ball from going in.

I let out a sigh and sat back down.

Rosie and Lisa were looking up at me with knowing grins. When I looked at them they quickly turned their attention back to the phone.

I continued watching the match and the other two continued snickering over something to my left. After a minute of them clearly trying to annoy me I turned to them with a glare.

"Okay, out with it. What's so funny then?" I asked folding my arms and knitting my eyebrows together.

"Oh nothing, just some videos." Lisa said smugly, waving me off. I rolled my eyes and shoved myself across her body to snatch Rosie's phone from her hand.

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