Chapter Nineteen

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Not edited. Will get to it eventually! 

Hope you enjoy babes. ~ R

Ellies POV:

Life in L.A. for the last week has been so much easier than it was before.

Things are just better when Rain and I are friends.

Almost every night after training the two of us have ended up at one of our apartments to watch a film. I have taken it upon myself to educate the woman on her lack of cinema knowledge. Misty has joined us most nights as well.

Being around the Cloud sisters has opened my eyes to a little bit more of their past that I didn't know before. Like how the group home they grew up in didn't have a TV. That's why they don't know many movies. Or how Rain had been kicked out of multiple schools for fighting so she decided at 16 to just get her GED and a job so she could focus on football. And Misty had taught herself to cook when she was twelve so that Rain and her didn't have to eat take out every night when she moved in with her.

Everytime I learn something new about these women I want to hold them close to me and never let them go. I want them both to know how amazing they are.

It's nice having them both around so often. I want to learn everything about them and It definitely helps me feel a little less alone.

Not that being alone wasn't a common occurrence wherever I am in the world.

With a mum and an absentee father like mine, I don't really have a family that I can rely on. Sure, all my teammates past and present have made it clear that they were more than happy to be there for me. I just don't want to be a bother. I don't want to make people go out of their way or inconvenience them with my own problems.

That's how I ended up out here in the hallway, leaning on my front door eating the takeout I ordered at 11PM. I left my keys on my counter without thinking and ran down to meet the delivery driver only to realize too late that I was locked out. Rosie has my only other set of keys and since it was pretty late on a night before a game I didn't want to make her drive all the way over here and be tired tomorrow.

I could have gone down to ask Misty if I could sleep on her couch but I didn't want to wake her in case she was sleeping. And bothering Rain... No, that was out of the question. She already deals with so much, she doesn't need to take care of me too.

So here I am eating the gyro I ordered watching a youtube video on my phone on how to pick locks.

"Ellie?" A voice said above me as I shoved the last bite of my gyro into my mouth. I looked up at the tall woman who I somehow managed to not see walking down the hall.

It was Rain clearly coming back from a run or workout, covered in sweat with her face flushed looking like a goddess above me. Meanwhile I was sitting on the floor with my face full of food in my stained polkadot pajama pants from my food dropping onto my lap.

I quickly swallowed my food which turned out to be pretty painful because of the sheer amount of it I forced down my esophagus at once.

I forced back the tears in my eyes from the pain and stood to my feet in front of her trying not to make an even bigger fool of myself. Rain was looking at me with an amused smile which meant I was failing miserably.

"Hi Rain." I said quickly. She pulled an earbud out of her ear and grinned down at me.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

I looked down at my pants and tried to wipe the greek food from them to hide the blush that was taking over my face.

"Oh, I-uh, I kind of locked myself out of my flat while grabbing my food." I said as if it wasn't a big deal.

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