Chapter Seven

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I did not proof read this. I was too far into my own head to go back through it today but thought y'all deserved a chapter today. Will proof read and delete this message when I am up to it! ~ <3 R

Ellie's POV:

"So you are like royalty?" Misty said excitedly as we walked out of the mall. Rosie bent over stumbling from laughter.

"No. Not even close." I chuckled, shaking my head. I hip checked Rosie slightly so she'd stop making fun of me.

"It's just a title. My father is an Earl so that makes me a Lady. We are like the friend group outside of the Royals, Not related." I explained to Misty as we walked towards her car.

"Oh come on. You literally used to have playdates with the Prince." Rosie scoffed.

"Weren't you at his wedding like last year?" I felt my face redden a little from being called out.

"Okay yeah. Our mothers grew up together. And I was only invited because of my status. Not because we are friends." I rolled my eyes. She knows how to rile me up but she also knows my limits.

I threw my bags into the boot that Misty had just popped open and closed the door.

"I had to miss a friendly with Germany for it too." I grumbled, walking over to the passenger side and sitting in the front.

"Oh poor Goldie. Missing out on playing in the middle of winter in Sunderland in a game that didn't matter just to watch the future King of England get married." Rosie said in a sarcastic voice. I turned around and glared at her while Misty laughed and started the car.

"So you grew up in a castle?" Misty asked, pulling out of her parking spot.

"A manor." I corrected. Rosie made a noise in the backseat and I turned to her with a pointed stare. She just crossed her arms and smirked at me.

"What's the difference?" She asked.

"Well a castle is fortified with walls and barriers around it. A manor isn't." I answered with a small smile.

I know I was lucky to grow up where I did. I don't like to brag about it though. I leave the bragging to my mother.

"Wow, You must have had such a fun childhood. All that space and freedom."

I looked at Rosie and saw her face fall slightly at the mention of my childhood. Being like a sister to me meant she was also very protective of my emotions. The number one thing that would send them into a spiral was my family. She knew how my mother was. The mother that hasn't spoken to me in a month because I told her I was moving to L.A..

Rosie is the only person that truly knows what my childhood was like. We bonded over a drunk night out after the euros and since then she has tried to protect my peace.

She absolutely despises the way that my own family has treated me. Like I am a trophy. Something to show off, then put back on the shelf until they needed to earn some more clout. In their eyes all my successes were theirs.

I gave Rosie a reassuring look, letting her know Misty's statement hadn't bothered me. I looked over at the younger girl and shrugged.

"All I ever did and all I ever wanted to do was play football. Being on the pitch was the best part of my childhood." I smiled.

"Yeah yeah yeah. England's star striker only ever played soccer growing up and did nothing else." She joked in an unimpressed tone. "Tell me something I didn't know." She said, letting out a laugh.

"Are you saying you were any different growing up?" I asked, letting out a chuckle.

"Well I only started playing to impress Rain." She shrugged, pulling out onto the main road, driving towards Rosie's place. "She was the one that would eat, sleep and breathe soccer."

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