Chapter Ten

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Ellie POV:

Since Rain left me gawking in the hallway I have been packing for the two weeks that I will be at camp in England.

I really am looking forward to seeing my teammates. Especially Lisa Green who is one of my best friends.

She and I grew up through the Arsenal academy ranks together and were roommates until I decided to move to America.

She was fully supportive of my decision to leave, knowing that I needed a change. I never talked to her about my home life but she did notice the drinking I did most nights. I think she also noticed the drinking would pick up after I went on an outing with my so-called family.

She never questioned it but always made sure I didn't have too much and that I'd make it up to my bed.

I have missed her dearly.

The only reason I haven't let the distance affect me more than it has is because I have been... distracted.

Distracted by football.

Distracted by a new city.

Distracted by sunsets.

Distracted by Clouds.

The Cloud sisters absolutely astound me. What they have been through. Where they have wound up.

They are amazing and I am in awe of them.

There is another reason I have been distracted by a certain Cloud. The way she completely consumes my thoughts is almost infuriating.

I couldn't play well in that friendly today until she acknowledged me. I haven't been myself all week since I found out she was ignoring me.

It's pathetic really.

And now here I am, packing and checking my phone every few minutes to make sure Rain hasn't called.

She asked to call me. Was that phone call going to happen today? Was it this week some time? What did she want to talk about? Maybe she already forgot.

I continued packing so I would have everything ready for when Rosie comes to collect me in a few minutes. Our flight leaves at 10 PM L.A. time and we should be at Heathrow in London around 3:30 PM tomorrow, London time.

We don't have to be in camp until Sunday so that gives us a whole afternoon to relax and Lisa has graciously offered to let Rosie and I stay the night with her.

I was Lugging my suitcases to the door around 7 PM when my phone started to ring. I all but threw my luggage to the ground and sprinted across my apartment to grab it.

Once I had it, the caller ID was a number I had never seen before.

It had to be Rain.

I cleared my throat then answered.

"Hello?" I spoke into the mic.

"Hey it's Rain." Her voice said through the speaker.

A huge smile took over my face and all my insecurities and doubts that she wouldn't call washed away.

"Hey Rain." I answered with a big grin on my face.

"What are you up to?" She asked. I could hear the sound of faint music playing in the background.

"Oh I am just getting ready for my flight. It leaves in like two hours." I said, walking over to my couch to sit down.

"Oh! I didn't know you left tonight. Do you need a ride to the airport?" She asked.

"Nah, Rosie is coming to get me in like ten minutes actually."

"Oh, right. I should've known you two would fly out together." She said, an awkward pause forming between us.

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