Chapter Twenty-One

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Ellie's POV:

"Oh come on Rain just try it!" I complained, holding a fork full of food up to her as we sat with the rest of our teammates for lunch.

"I am not eating that." She shook her head and pushed my hand away from her face.

"Beans on toast is disgusting." Micah frowned from her seat on the other side of Rain.

Both of them looked down at my plate of beans on toast like it was going to jump up at her.

I scoffed and put the forkful of food into my own mouth and looked at the other people at the table.

"I'll take Rain's bite if she doesn't want it, Goldie." Rosie said next to me scooting closer, opening her mouth waiting for me to feed her.

"Shove off." I said shielding my plate from her with a laugh. "You already had your own."

"I have no clue how you two are eating that. Also, who eats beans at 11 AM?" Misty said, plopping down at the table across from me, scowling at my plate.

"Almost all of britain." I shrugged. "What time do Americans eat beans?" I asked, taking another bite of my food.

"Almost never." Rain said with a look of disdain while she ate her orange slices next to me.

"Maybe with barbeque." Misty added.

Rosie and I both gasped and looked around the table in a state of shock.

"I agree with the clouds." Laia said sitting down in between Rosie and Misty also participating in the glaring contest with my plate. "I need to take you to España and show you what good food is."

I felt Rain stiffen next to me for a moment then relaxed without anyone but me noticing.

"I could go for some Paella right now." Rain said, nodding at Laia who looked at her like she just scored a winning goal.

"What do you know about paella Capitana?" She said excitedly, leaning forward and grinning at Rain.

Rain shrugged and ate another orange slice.

"I was in Spain a few years ago for a friendly in Madrid. A bunch of the Spanish girls made us go out with them after the match to eat and party." She answered. "Alexia Putellas said we couldn't leave unless we tried the paella."

Misty dropped her fork and it clattered loudly on her plate.

"You partied with THE Alexia?" She said in shock to her sister. I looked at the rest of the girls and they were all looking at her with the same expression.

Rain shrugged like hanging out with the two time ballon d'or winner wasn't a big deal and continued eating her fruit.

The girls did not let that slide and started hounding her with questions making me giggle.

It's nice to see Rain joining in with conversations and banter. When I first got here she wouldn't have even joined in the conversation and now here she is in the center of it.

She has seemed a lot less stressed for the last few weeks and we have gotten a lot closer on and off the pitch.

We have been keeping our deal up and have stayed together before match days for the last month, cuddled up in one of our apartments getting the best sleep of my life.

It's translated onto the pitch for the both of us. We are top of the league with ten matches left in the season and I am currently on top of the golden boot race. Meanwhile, Rain has been a brick wall in defense, being the highest rated defender in the league this season.

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