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Zoro just watched as they carried the bounty hunter away. He didn't want to even do anything. He was drained, and his whole body was still hurting. He sheathed his sword back in, and then got prepared to leave.

He heard their compiling footsteps scatter away slowly, a sign that they were retreating. Of course, he would've loved to fight more—but he had to get back as soon as possible. Like, right now.

The boy from earlier approached Zoro, but Zoro didn't turn his back to see him at all. He just kept walking along.

The boy waved to Zoro, hoping to get his attention. It was obvious that he wanted to ask Zoro something. Specifically about the swords that Zoro carried. How did a pirate like him get those swords anyways? Where was he from? The boy had so many questions, but it seems like Zoro isn't turning around. He's not even getting a slight bit of attention to the boy.

"Sir, I have one question."

Sword Jumble (Zoro Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora