﹥*:Lost Again:*+

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When they arrived on the island, it felt strangely calming. The sounds of the birds chirping were enough to make him relax. It was loud out there, but silent and quiet here. What was the reason for that?

Maybe it had toned down? But it wouldn't have toned down that much. Well, what's done is done, and he just stopped thinking about it. It wasn't that big of a deal anyway.

Luffy laughed, glancing around. "Wow! This sure is a quiet island!" Luffy looks up to one of the sakura trees. "Oo! Blossoms!" Robin nods her head, "Wasn't it loud just a moment ago?" Ussop agrees, "Yeah, it was.." he suddenly screams, turning his head left and right. "WHAT HAPPENED?! WERE THEY MASSACRED?" Sanji sighs, smoking his cigarette with his lighter. "No, idiot." "Hey, Zoro," Nami says, but she doesn't turn to him.

It's silent. It seems like Zoro isn't responding back. A cricket chirps. "Where has that idiot gone?" Sanji looks around for him, glancing at the bushes. Chopper states with a blank expression, "I think he got lost." Ussop groans, "Lost? Again?" Chopper nods his head. "That idiot," Nami slaps her forehead in disappointment and annoyance. "We'll just look for him after. He'll find his way back, right?"

                                  *:Lost Again:*+

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