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Heaving a bit more, Zoro kept running. All he seemed he could do was just. . . just run. He would turn to look over his shoulder frequently, but not all of the time to see if they were chasing him.

The bounty hunter kept shouting and calling his name. How was he supposed to respond? Why would he even talk to a bounty hunter anymore? He was quite certain that bounty hunters only hunt bounty for themselves. Including him when he used to be one. Well, he wasn't technically a bounty hunter—he just hunted pirates for berry.

Who could blame him?—He was broke back then anyways, and he still is. As a pirate now, he was constantly chased by bounty hunters. This one was no different. Well, he thinks that the one's chasing him are bounty hunters. Except for the boy, of course. The boy was experienced with sword knowledge, and Zoro could tell from just one glance.

Tough, bare, blistered hands can be one sign that you're a good person with good swords and good knowledge. Those hands are a sign that you've been working hard with swords all day and you know how to use them.

Zoro's chest pounded with air. He took time to catch his breath. Only for a second. A second wouldn't hurt. The bounty hunter got closer, but not too close.

Damn! I don't have time for this. Zoro grunted as he saw the bounty hunters trailing closer. He needed to get back to the ship. To see if anyone has gotten onto it, if his nakama left him (already), or if someone's destroying it right now. The probability of that was pretty high since this village was pretty sketchy.

Zoro then sighed in exasperation, and then he made the choice. He made the choice to fight back.

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