the prince and the gardener

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word count: 378


once upon a time, in the grand kingdom of kuchiba, there lived a young prince named goh. he was set to become the ruler, meant to lead his kingdom with wisdom and kindness. yet, despite his royal background, goh yearned for more than the formalities of court life.

goh's parents, the king and queen, aimed to ensure a bright future for their son. they believed that a marriage alliance would strengthen their kingdom and make goh happy. so, from a young age, goh was surrounded by potential partners from distant lands, all hoping to win his heart.

however, goh's heart remained unmoved by the nobles' charms. while the court was busy with matchmaking, goh found peace in the serene palace gardens. there, surrounded by flowers and trees, he felt a connection with a young man named ash.

ash was the palace gardener, skilled at nurturing life from the soil. he tended to the greenery near goh's balcony, bringing comfort to goh amidst the chaos of court life. unlike the polished nobles, ash was genuine and humble, bringing joy to goh with his laughter.

as time passed, goh fell deeper in love with ash. but he knew their love couldn't be accepted by the court's strict rules. seeking advice, goh turned to his close friend, lady chloe.

lady chloe, loyal and wise, listened as goh poured out his feelings. together, they devised a plan to unite goh and ash away from prying eyes.

under the cover of night, goh would sneak to the gardens to meet ash, their love growing like the flowers around them. each stolen moment filled goh's heart with happiness, his love for ash growing stronger.

however, their happiness didn't last long. rumors of goh's forbidden love reached his parents, threatening their happiness. to protect goh, lady chloe devised an escape plan. with loyal allies' help, goh and ash fled the kingdom, leaving royalty behind for true happiness. together, they journeyed to a new land where their love could thrive without fear.

in the end, goh chose love over duty, giving up his crown to be with ash. as they embraced a new dawn, goh and ash knew their love would endure, surpassing all obstacles. in each other's arms, they found their happily ever after.


tried to create that fairytale vibe lolol. and that one paraphrasing tool is very helpful 'cause i knew my grammar sucks with this one

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