Chapter 39- Puzzle With A Piece Missing.

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"Hey Sam?" I asked, my brother's blonde head whipping around as he stood on a ladder. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What's up?" He replied, pausing as I hung ornaments on the tree.

"I don't know what to get Colby for Christmas."

"Maddie, it's only a few weeks away."

"I know. I've been struggling and I didn't want to outright ask him what he wanted because I didn't want to seem desperate."

"I've known him since we were like fifteen and I don't know quite what to get him. I generally go for clothing, alcohol, or jewelry."

"I guess I could do that."

"You sound disappointed."

"I kinda am." I sighed. "I want to get him something that shows I know him. Something that shows how much I love him."

"Anything you get him will show that. He loves you a lot and I know he'll like it."



I sighed and continued hanging ornaments on the tree. A necklace? No, that was basic. Clothes? Jesus Christ no, he already had more clothes than he could wear in a year. A ring? Maybe. He wore several rings daily and I knew he would love for his collection to get bigger. It's a start.

The door opened and Kat walked in, Colby behind her with his arms full of groceries. She grinned as he used his foot to kick the door closed.

"This place looks great." She said, smiling up at Sam.

"Where's the mistletoe?" Colby asked, setting the bags on the counter. I grinned and walked over to him.

"Look up." I said before pressing a kiss to his cheek. He snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me back.

"Where do you think you're going?" He muttered, pressing a kiss to my mouth.


"They can wait." Another kiss.

"I think mistletoe is a one kiss limit." Kat hollered. I sighed and looked at Colby.

"Rules are rules." I grinned. I grabbed the first bag and started putting things away. Colby took over my job of hanging ornaments on the tree.

"So," Kat began, sliding onto the counter next to me. "Sam tells me that you haven't gotten Colby anything yet."

"Well that's not entirely true. I got him a new pair of headphones and a stuffed animal I thought he'd like."

"Nothing for your main gift?"

"I don't know what to get him!" I hissed.

"Well he showed me what he's getting for you and I know you'll love it."

"See, now that's just more pressure for me to do good."

"Do you want me to help you pick something out?"

"I think I have an idea. Thanks."

"No problem."

A week and a half later, five days before Christmas, a package finally arrived. I took it out of Sam's hand and locked myself in my room to open it. I impatiently tore into it, sighing in relief as I held the small boxes in my hand. The larger one held a thin chain bracelet with a plate that had one word engraved on it; "Dare." It was silver like all the other jewelry Colby wore, and the engraving could only be seen in certain lighting. It was beautiful.

The smaller box held a simple silver band. It had three notches in it placed evenly across the band to symbolize Colby's favorite way of telling me he loved me; squeezing my hand three times.

God, I hope he likes it.

A knock on my door threw me out of my admiration of the jewelry. I scrambled to hide it, throwing it haphazardly into a drawer. I made my way over to the door and unlocked it, opening it to see Colby.

"Hey." He said softly.

"Hey." I replied.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure." I shrugged, my heart still racing. I heard Colby close the door behind us as I sat down in the chair by my desk. "Is something wrong?"

"Am I not allowed to come in here and spend time with my beautiful girlfriend?" He asked, throwing himself onto my bed.

"You are, there's just generally an ulterior motive."

Colby sighed before closing his eyes.

"Do you love me?" He asked.

"I do. Quite a lot."

"Don't shoot the messenger."


"Sam invited your parents for New Year's."

"He WHAT?"

"He invited your parents for New Year's since they won't be here for Christmas."

"This'll be fun."

"I've met your parents, remember?"

"Yeah, before we started dating." I groaned. "They're probably gonna bring Allison and Ben with them, too."

"Maddie, I'm fairly sure we're gonna be alright." He chuckled at the notion of the "Golbach gang" being back together again.

"It's gonna be a long week when they get here."

"We got this."

"I know."

"Come here."

I did as I was told and I laid down on the bed next to him. His Arctic eyes were focused on me and nothing else.

"I love you." I admitted, his soulful gaze drawing the truth right out of me.

"I love you, too."

"Forget decorating, let's leave."

"And go where?" He chuckled, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I don't know, just drive."


"Aw man." I teased, sounding disappointed.

"Let's eat something first, I'm starving."

"I'll go make something."

I rolled off the bed and stood up, Colby's hand catching my wrist. I turned and met his eyes. He smiled gently.

"I'll help."

"We're probably gonna have pizza." I said as we exited my room and began down the stairs.

"Homemade or are you gonna order it?"

"Homemade. I've got to get started on the dough if we want to eat before eight."

Colby helped me by getting out the flour and yeast for the dough. Once it was mixed, had risen a bit, and came time to knead the dough, Colby grabbed a pinch of flour and blew it into my face. I stood shocked until I got my bearings and scooped a fistful of flour out of the container. I launched it at Colby, hitting him square in the mouth. He was stunned as I giggled. He threw more at me and I threw more back until the floor was so slick that he fell flat on his face.

"Shit! Are you okay, Colby?" I asked, practically running over to him and helping him sit up.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna have a headache for an hour or two."

"Who broke what?" Sam asked, entering the room.

"No one broke anything, I just ate shit."

"I miss all the funny things."

"Glad you thought it was funny."

"Sam, make yourself useful. Go get the Ibuprofen." I added. I reached my hand down to Colby and he took it, allowing me to help him up.

"Ibuprofen is the blue one, right?" Sam asked. I rolled my eyes and Colby slapped his forehead.

"Ow." He groaned immediately.

"Don't do that, dummy."

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