Chapter 2- Blue, Black, Bruised

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"Alright, Jake, last few questions here." Sam said, turning to him. We'd been filming for at least an hour and we were all starting to get tipsy except for Colby and Seth who were obviously holding their liquor very well.

"Okay, Maddie, truth or dare?" Jake asked.

"Truth." I sighed, grinning as Kat applied the last of the blue dye to my blonde hair.

"Do you like anyone in this room?"

"I do." I looked up and accidentally met Colby's gaze before looking at Kat and Seth's shocked faces.

"That's it?" Kat asked.

"I answered the question, he wasn't specific!"

"Just leave us in suspense like that." Sam teased. "Colby, you're the last one, use it wisely."

"I know exactly what I'm gonna ask." Colby grinned. "Maddie."

"Oh you fucking asshole." I mumbled.

"Truth or dare?"

"Fuck it, dare."

"I dare you to kiss whichever one of us you like."

"Nope." I blurted immediately. "Give me the shot."

"Dammit." Kat sighed.

"Sorry, the internet isn't very good at keeping secrets."

Sam did their outro and clicked off the cameras. I sighed and leaned back against the table.

"It's getting late, and I drank the least." Seth announced. "I'll take these two home." He motioned to Jake, who was stumbling around, and Kat who was getting giddy.

"Drive safe." Sam yelled.

"If it's cool with you guys, I think I'll just crash here." I said, standing.

"Well you're not driving anywhere, you've been drinking." Colby replied. "We've got a spare room, go make yourself at home."

"Might want to wash the dye out first." Sam chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. Thank you captain obvious." I walked into the bathroom and sighed heavily. What a long day. Thankfully, the dye didn't stain my neck, hands or back as I washed it out. When I got out of the bathroom and pulled a hoodie on, I went straight to the kitchen, passing Sam who was asleep on the couch. I grabbed a piece of pizza out of the boxes on the counter that the boys had ordered and chowed down. I'd never had very good table manners, I'd always been told that I acted like a dude and I had a feeling that was never going to change. I turned around just as Colby wandered in and grabbed a can of soda out of the fridge.

"You have fun?" He asked, moving back over to the table where his laptop was set up, most likely to edit the video we'd just filmed.

"I'm really tipsy and I'm probably gonna have a headache in the morning." I replied.

"That'll be fun. Did Sam tell you what we're planning on doing tomorrow?"

"No, but you said something about how I'll be joining you soon for more ghost videos." I moved over and sat next to him at the table.

"Yep. Tomorrow we're going to an amusement park with Elton, and we're gonna be trying to stay the night."

"Breaking and entering, I like it. I don't like who you're going with, but whatever."


"Yeah. He takes things too far sometimes. Remember when he pushed you into a pool with your hands tied? Or when he made Sam bleed and kept laughing at him?"

"I agree, he takes it too far sometimes, but we're just going to an amusement park."

"Are you taking me with you?"

"You're invited."

"I'll go. Just wake me up whenever."

"I'll find the airhorn, don't worry." Colby teased.

"Colby, that's just mean." I sighed.

"Oh, I know. By the way, how do you know who Elton is? We met him after you left."

"I've watched all of the videos you and Sam have posted."


"Yes. Sam told me that you guys watched mine, I thought I'd return the favor."

"Well it started out as Sam just wanting to help his little sister out, then I got hooked on some of the stuff you would say and it's really interesting."

"I took psychology classes and I've been studying paranormal things forever. Plus my dorm in college was haunted, why not become a medium."

"You know what else is interesting?"


"This." Colby turned his laptop toward me and pressed play. It was a slowed clip of my answer to the second to last question, when Jake had asked if I liked anyone in the room. I could blatantly see my eyes lock with Colby's.

"I don't know what you mean." I lied.

"When you got asked if you liked anyone, you looked directly at me."

"I was trying to look at Jake's reaction and you were staring at me. It was an accident."

"Yeah, yeah. You like me, don't you?"

"You're drunk, Colbs. Go to bed."

"Make me."

"I'm good." I stood up and hugged him again.

"I really missed you, shortstack." He said.

"I'm not that short." I replied. He'd been calling me 'shortstack' since we met. "It's not my fault that you're taller than me."

"Even in heels you're still short."

"Shut the fuck up."

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