Chapter 20- Surprise Guest.

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The flight was mostly smooth, except for the fact that I was squished between Sam and Colby the entire time. Sam fell asleep on my shoulder, I fell asleep on Colby's shoulder, and Colby fell asleep against the wall. Only after snapping a picture of the "exhausted domino effect" to me, Sam, and his story. God only knows how many people saw it by the time I woke up. The drive in the rental was only a few minutes to the town following the car that had the "special guests" in it. When we made it to our first stop to meet our guide, I immediately recognized the two women and the man that got out of the other car.

"Son of a bitch." I mumbled, looking out the window.

"What's up?" Sam asked, grabbing the bag of equipment as we all got out.

"You didn't tell me that the other people you invited were some of the biggest YouTubers in the world."

"We've done stuff with them before." Colby said.

"I've never met them!"

"Let's change that. Hey, guys! Over here!" He called. The three of them turned around and made their way over to us. KallmeKris, CelinaSpookyBoo, and Celina's husband, Adam all joined our little group.

"Who's this?" Celina asked, pointing to me.

"This is my sister, Maddie." Sam said. "Obviously she knows who you are."

"I-I'm a huge fan." I stuttered, shaking their hands.

"I love your hair." Kris cooed.

"It was a part of a truth or dare game."

"Ooh, we should play that with ghosts."

"Let's not." Adam sighed, chuckling. "I don't feel like getting possessed."

"This is gonna sound weird, but what do you do?" Celina asked me.

"Oh, I'm a paranormal YouTuber like you guys. I live with these two weirdos so they bring me to places like this. I'm a medium." I replied.

"Oh sick. There's a lot of ground to cover, having you around will be awesome."

"Y-Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

"Are you okay, Mads?" Colby asked, looking me up and down. "You're flushed."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm actually just in awe, truth be told."

"Of what?"

"Colby. I'm meeting Celina and Kris."

"Awe, that's so sweet." Kris laughed. "Your brother and his best friend talk about you a lot." I shot a glare at the boys before turning back to them, my eyes catching a glimpse of a figure behind Celina. At first I thought it was our tour guide, but I realized very quickly that he was standing behind us.

"Guys." I said calmly, my eyes locked on the figure. "Don't freak out, but there's someone behind you."

"Mads, there's no one there." Sam said as Kris and Celina moved to the side.

"Of course it's a ghost." I muttered. The man couldn't have been older than me. He wore a form-fitting t-shirt and camo cargo pants that tucked into his boots.

"Are we in danger?"

"I doubt it. I think he's more confused than anything else."

"What are you wearing?" The man asked.

"That's what you ask? Any other question in the world and that's your opener?"

"Maddie, who are you talking to?" Kris asked.

"There's a ghost over there. He just asked what we're wearing."

"Suddenly that last phrase makes more sense."

"Now that you say something, I can make out the outline of a man, but nothing else." Celina said, staring at the exact same spot I was.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Unimportant. Who are you?" He responded.

"My name is Madelyn. This is my brother, Sam, and my friends, Colby, Kris, Celina, and Adam."

"We're not just 'friends' but okay." Colby mumbled. I elbowed him in the ribs.

"You're not safe." The man blurted.

"Oh shit, I heard that." Kris announced.

"I heard a man say 'you're not safe.'" Adam said, looking around.

"Did we all hear that?" Sam asked. Everyone said yes. "Great."

"What is here that can hurt us? Why aren't we safe?" I asked.

"Guns, land mines, gas, grenades. This is a training base, we use everything here that we would use out on the front, soldier. I'm getting shipped out soon. See you in the trenches." He said, turning and walking away, dissolving as he did so.

"He thinks he's still in basic training. He said we're not safe because of guns, land mines, gas and grenades. He said 'See you in the trenches.'"

"I can't see him anymore." Celina announced.

"Neither can I. He's gone."

"We're doing research tonight, aren't we?" Kris asked, looking at us.

"Of course we are." Sam replied.

"Did I hear you right earlier, Colby?" Celina asked, turning around.

"What?" Colby played dumb. He knew exactly what she meant.

"Maddie introduced us to the ghost and you said, 'we're not just friends, but okay.' I swear to God that's what you said."

"Yeah, I heard that too." Adam added, grinning.

"Got something you wanna tell us?" Kris asked, winking.

"N-Not particularly." Colby stuttered, causing me to blush as well.

"Oh for fuck's sake." Sam groaned. "They're dating!" He pointed to our hands. I didn't remember grabbing Colby's hand, but it had happened somehow. "They weren't gonna tell you on their own, I had to speed that shit up."

"Gee thanks, Sam. You're a real life-saver." Colby deadpanned.

"I let you go out with my sister, of course I am."

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