Chapter 25- Houston, We Have A Problem.

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"Sam?" I screamed. "Colby? Kris? Celina? Anybody?" No reply. My phone died just as I moved to click on the flashlight, trapping me in utter, confusing, disorienting darkness. I carefully moved along the wall until I found a corner. I slid down the wall, bringing my knees to my chest. My eyes watered and my heart pounded in my chest as the fear finally set in. The time on my watch was 1:45 when I'd checked it last, but I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. I was completely in the dark. Alone. Cold. Scared.

"Colby!" I screamed again, praying he would hear me. For minutes, there was no reply. They had no clue where I was, they'd already moved on to the next part of the investigation by now.

The darkness stretched on for what felt like forever. Every noise skyrocketed my heart rate even further. Noise came from the other side of the basement that was too loud to be brushed off. I whispered the St. Michael prayer over and over again as it got closer.


I recognized my brother's voice. I looked up, tears in my eyes as flashlights began to shine at the end of the hall.

"Colby? Sam?" I asked.

"Mads!" Colby shouted.

"Guys! I'm over here!" I stood up and ran towards Colby's shadowy figure.

"Maddie!" He met me halfway and I threw my arms around his neck, raking my fingers through his hair. He held me tightly against him for a moment before he let me go and brushed my hair out of my face.

"Where did you go? I turned around and you were gone." I said, looking over at the others.

"He went upstairs, he told you." Sam replied.

"My phone died, I couldn't use my flashlight or text you. I had no clue where you went."

"That's why my text didn't go through." Colby sighed. "Are you okay? No ghosts touched you, did they?"

"No. I flinched at every sound, but nothing touched me. What time is it?"

"Two twenty two." Kris answered.

"An angel number. Weird." I mumbled. "Let's get on with the investigation. As soon as I get some air."

Colby immediately grabbed my hand and led me out the door in the basement, yanking my beanie off of my head, grabbing my hair and pulling it out of the way as I gagged. He put his hand on the small of my back reassuring me that he was there.

"Oh, you gorgeous, amazing, beautiful liar." Colby muttered, throwing my hair into a quick ponytail with the hair band he'd been keeping on his wrist. Me throwing up wasn't new to him. Ever since Yorktown, I'd wake up in the middle of the night occasionally and run to the bathroom to puke. He would always wake up and grab my hair to keep it out of my way, searching for a hair tie as he did so.

He guided me to sit on the ground before he yanked his hoodie off, nearly taking his shirt with it.

"I'm okay now." I said, wiping my mouth. Colby slid his hoodie over my head and I accepted the still-warm jacket.

"Honey, you're going to the hospital."

"Colby, I'm fine."

"Maddie, you've been feeling like shit, you haven't been eating, and you've been throwing up for six months. You are going to the hospital."

"No, I'm not. I will be okay."

"Baby, I love you. I love everything about you and I wouldn't trade you for the world, but I swear to God, your stubbornness is gonna be the end of me."

"I'm gonna be fine, I just need time."

"This has only been getting worse the more we travel."

"Colbs, I'll go to the hospital. As soon as we're home."

"Promise me you will."

"I promise, Colby."

"Alright. That's all I can ask for I guess."

"I-" I was cut off by another wave of nausea that hit me, and the headache that came along with it. Colby rubbed my back until I sat back against the hill. "God, it feels like I'm hung over."

"We didn't even drink."

"Remember the ghosts who forced those soldiers to drink hard cider through a straw?"

"Oh shit. Another psychic thing."

"Perfect. A fake hangover is exactly what I need right now." I muttered. Colby grabbed my hand and squeezed it three times. I leaned over onto his shoulder as the group exited the door and joined us on the lawn.

"Are you feeling okay?" Celina asked, kneeling in front of me and handing me my water bottle.

"I threw up twice."

"That's it. Investigation is over." Sam announced.

"We're going back to the hotel and going home tomorrow." Colby added.

"I hate to say it but I actually agree. We need to end the investigation now." I groaned. "I also hate to say this, but I have to. Kris and Adam, you might want to move." They leaped out of the way just as I threw up again. In the same spot they were standing.

"Better?" Sam chuckled, throwing his backpack on.

"I've thrown everything up now, nothing left in my stomach to make me feel sick."

Colby untied my flannel from around my waist and threw it around me. He picked me up and carted me to the car, settling me in the backseat. He settled into the back next to me, allowing me to stretch out and lay my head on his lap. Adam swung into the driver's seat, Sam in the passenger, and the girls in the other car.

"Sam?" I mumbled, nearly asleep.

"Yeah?" He replied. His voice was soft and worried.

"I'm gonna be okay, don't worry. I feel better now. Adam, you don't have to speed."

"Oh, I wasn't planning on it. If you needed to throw up, there's a plastic bag in the glovebox or you could stick your head out the window."


We drove off, leaving Bloodland behind. Colby ran his fingers through my hair and rubbed my shoulder, putting me to sleep immediately. He gently shook me awake when we made it to the hotel. He gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead before sending me with Kris and Celina to our room. We were all asleep in an hour, blissfully unaware of the shock we'd face in the morning.

sorry about the unscheduled break we're back now :)

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