Chapter 5- Shady's Back. Back Again.

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Two weeks later, the boys decided that it'd be a great idea to play football in the pool. Naturally, I went along to supervise. Only after Nate and Jake nearly drowned Sam did they decide they were done and they just wanted to chill. I sat with Colby on one side and Kat on the other, her hot pink bikini matching her beautiful split-dye.

"So where are we going next?" I asked. Sam had been eluding to our next destination, saying that we were leaving tomorrow morning for it.

"You don't have to go." Sam started. "We'd love to have you with us, but you don't have to go. We're going back to the Conjuring house."

"You're kidding." Kat said.


"Did you know about this?" I turned to Colby. He nodded. "The last time you guys went back, the spirits said your names, grabbed Sam, and told you to kill yourself."

"We were hoping that if you came with us, you might be able to help us free the soldiers that are trapped there." Sam continued.

"Well I'm not letting you two go by yourselves."

"I'm going, too." Kat added.

"If either one of you gets hurt, we're leaving immediately, understood?" Colby said sternly, almost like a dad.

"Yes sir." Kat replied, exaggeratedly.

When I was shaken awake the next morning in the car, I realized I'd once again fallen asleep in the car. Sam was parking the car and Kat was looking at me, a knowing smile on her face. I looked over at Colby, realizing that I'd fallen asleep on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I was out too." He reassured me. We got out of the car, grabbed all of our equipment, and I looked over at the house. Outside looking in, it wasn't that scary.

"Here, let me hold the camera for you." Kat said, taking the camera from Sam and drawing me out of my thoughts.

"What's up, guys? It's Sam and Colby!" Colby exclaimed. "We are back here at the Conjuring house for hopefully the last time. We're here with Kat who is behind the camera, and Maddie the Medium, who will hopefully be able to talk to some spirits tonight."

"Let's get started." Sam said cryptidly. He and Kat headed towards the house confidently. Colby laid his hand on the small of my back, reassuring me.

"I'm scared." I practically whimpered, walking towards the door.

"I'll be right here, Mads." He reassured me. "You're gonna be okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

By the time we'd signed waivers and gotten everything set up, the sun had already set, bathing the property in a haunted wave of darkness. We moved around a bit from room to room, just checking things out. When we returned to the study however, something I told Sam and he suggested that I take a look around the room. The minute I trailed my fingers along the edge of the rocking chair in the room, my head flew upwards and images flashed across my vision. A woman being thrown across the room. Crosses. Soldiers. Little kids. Screams. When the pictures faded, it felt like all of the wind had been knocked out of me. I locked eyes with Colby, his worried expression turning to fear. I mumbled his name before falling backwards and losing consciousness.

"Maddie? Maddie!"

I opened my eyes and shot upright. Kat and Colby sat at one side of the couch and Sam sat the other.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked.

"You touched the rocking chair and gasped. Then it sounded like you choked before you looked over at us and said 'Colby.' He caught you and set you down here." Kat explained.

"How long was I out?"

"Two or three minutes."

"It was like I had a vision. There were people screaming, I saw a little girl crying and a woman getting thrown across a room."

"That's what happened to Carolyn Perron." Sam breathed.

"I saw the movies."

"Do you feel okay?" Colby asked.

"I'm fine now." I answered, standing up. "Let's keep going."

"Mads, we don't need to keep going. If it's not safe here, we don't need to be here."

"I felt a presence showing me those pictures. Whoever it was was hurt and wanted to tell someone. They didn't want to hurt me."

"How can you be sure?" Kat asked.

"I've had my fair share of visions, this one was just unexpected. Let's go."

Sam started the camera again and pointed it at us.

"It's a little early, but do you think we should do the Estes method?" He asked Colby.

"It's not a bad idea. The spirits obviously have something to tell us." He answered. "What if we have Maddie and Kat do it down here while you and I do it upstairs?"

"Double Estes like last time. Let's do it."

Colby dug through the bag and handed me a blindfold, noise canceling headphones, and a spirit box.

"You know how to do this?" He asked as Kat and Sam set up the camera in front of the chairs we would sit in.

"I've done it before." I answered, smiling softly.

"If you get uncomfortable, take the headphones off, okay?"

"I will."

"Good luck."

Kat took her seat next to me and Colby gave me another smile before following Sam upstairs. I tied the blindfold around my eyes, took a deep breath and put on the headphones, allowing the deafening static to make me zone out.

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