Chapter 19- Everything's A Contest.

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I rolled over and looked at the clock on my nightstand. 1:05. We were leaving at five tonight to get on the plane to Missouri, and I was anxious enough I couldn't sleep. I'd used every trick I could think of to fall asleep and none of them worked. All except one. I grabbed my phone and opened it.

Mads> Colbs?

He usually left his phone on ring at night, but I didn't know if he heard it or not. Sometimes his phone was next to his bed, other times he left it on his desk across the room.

Colbs🖤> What's up?
Mads> Can u come here?
Colbs🖤> I'm omw.

I sighed and put my phone on the nightstand. A soft knock at the door caused me to smile.

"Come in." I said. Colby opened the door and closed it behind him, using his phone's flashlight.

"What's up?" He asked, moving closer to my bed.

"I can't sleep."

"So naturally you called me to come down here."

"You always seem to help."

Colby sighed heavily before laying down next to me. I smiled and laid back, resting my head on his chest. He laid one arm around my waist and the other around my shoulders, holding me against him.

"I love you." He murmured, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you, too." I replied, letting sleep take me over.

When I woke up, I rolled over and checked the time, oblivious to who I'd just woken up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Colby mumbled, snaking his arms around my waist and spooning me from behind.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." I replied, sinking back into his embrace. "I completely forgot you were here."

"It's fine. I don't care. What time is it?"

"Nine thirty-ish."

"Sam's alarm is gonna go off soon."

"So? Are you worried that he's gonna catch us cuddling or something? He's seen worse."

"No, we have a bet going. We're trying to see who can be up and functional first all week."

"If it helps, I'll cook for whoever is up first."

"That helps a lot." He said, rolling out of bed and heading towards the door. "I'll see you in twenty."

I chuckled and started a playlist as I got ready, humming along to some songs and full-on singing others. I chose my favorite pairing, ripped jeans and an old ACDC t-shirt, and I was out well before Sam or Colby were. I immediately pulled out all of the ingredients to make their favorite breakfasts, deciding that I would cook for whoever showed up first. Someone came up behind me and wrapped their arms around my middle, laying their head in the crook of my neck.

"If that's Sam, you're getting a wooden spoon to the forehead." I said jokingly.

"Glad I'm not Sam." Colby chuckled.

"One of these days I'm gonna mix you two up and it's gonna be the weirdest thing ever."

"I'll hold you to that."

"You're already holding me." Colby groaned and let go, wandering over to the counter to fix himself a cup of iced coffee. "What do you want to eat? Since I'm cooking for the winner."

"That was never a part of the agreement." Sam announced, walking into the kitchen.

"I added my contribution this morning."

"That's not fair. If I knew you would be cooking I would have gotten up hours ago."

"Well, now you guys know."

"It doesn't matter, today's the last day since we leave tonight."

"Oh fuck."

"You forgot to pack, didn't you?" Colby sighed.


"I love you, but my God. You have the memory of a goldfish."

"And the attention span of a chicken nugget." Sam added.

"I hate both of you."

I rushed upstairs and hauled my duffel bag out of my closet, completely forgetting that I was supposed to be making food.

"How many days will we be gone?" I yelled downstairs.

"Three." Sam yelled back.

"So pack five outfits, got it."

"What the fuck do you need five for?"

"Just in case."

As soon as I'd zipped up my compact duffel, I threw it off of the stairwell and into the living room. Sam jumped about a foot in the air while Colby whirled around to see what the commotion was about.

"Someone woke up and chose violence." Colby mumbled as Sam downed part of his coffee.

"I'm dating you, of course I did." I shot back, walking downstairs towards them.

Sam snorted and shot coffee across the counter while Colby bit his lip and held back a grin. "I'm not cleaning that damn counter again. You better get your ass up and go get a pack of Bounty."

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