Chapter 38- Off Topic Questions.

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“I just want someone to take me out.” Colby announced as we boarded the plane the next morning. It’d been hectic to say the least. Neither Sam nor Colby had gotten time to shave before our five a.m. flight so stubble littered both of their faces. We all looked like hot messes as well, especially because we were clad in some variation of real clothes and pajamas.

“Like the garbage?” Seth asked.

“Like on a date, or with a sniper?” Sam chuckled.

“Surprise me.” Colby shrugged, turning his ball cap backwards.

“I can help with one of those.” I interjected.

“Let’s go out when we get home. It’s been a minute since we were on a date.”

“Okay. Where do you wanna go?”

“Hey, you asked me out this time, not the other way around.”

I rolled my eyes as he grinned and threw an arm around my shoulders. Just like the ride to New York, Colby and I got a row to ourselves and Sam and Seth got a row to themselves behind us. He let me have the window seat and we settled down as the plane took off. About five minutes into the flight, Colby and I decided we were too awake to get any rest whatsoever.

“Wanna play truth or dare?” He asked, lacing our fingers together.

“Sure. You go first.” I replied.

“Truth or dare.”


“Dye your hair again when we get home.”

“Blue again?”

“Works for me. I like it blue.”

“Truth or dare?”

“Where do you wanna go next?”

“Home, bed, your arms.”

“Aw. If you’re tired, I’ll shut up and watch a movie while you sleep.”

“I'm not, that’s just the easiest way to spend time with you.”

“That’s fair. I like the conversations we have when we hang out. Just you and me. We can ramble on and on and not get bored of each other.”

“You say things all the time that just make me laugh. Things like ‘Why are sunflowers so cheery,’ ‘mops are just brooms with dreads,’ ‘fuck the patriarchy, I wanna vote a female goldfish for president,” you know, just some of the silly comments you make.” He said, grinning.

“I said most of those things when I was drunk or tired.” I pointed out.

“Speaking of tired, I’m starting to get that way.”

“Me too. Nap time?”


Colby kissed me sweetly, his lips lingering on mine. He threw his arm around my shoulders and let me lean into his chest, peppering my forehead with kisses.

“Someone’s feeling frisky.” I muttered as my eyelids grew heavy.
“Do you mind?” He replied.

“Not really. I like it.”

“Go to sleep, Mads.”

“You first.” The moment I finished muttering the words, I allowed sleep to overtake me. The next thing I knew, Colby was shaking me awake and we were home. The three of us haphazardly threw our luggage into the trunk of Sam’s car that we’d left at the airport and said goodbye to Seth. Sam drove home and, after a small debate on who got to be passenger princess that was settled with a match of rock, paper, scissors, allowed Colby to ride shotgun. He held my hand the entire way there, squeezing his arm back behind his seat just to touch me.

“You two get to carry in the luggage.” I announced, swinging out of the car.

“Well that’s not fair.” Sam replied as he opened the trunk.

“Should have let me ride in front.” I teased as I grabbed my duffel.

“Give me that, Princess.” Colby said, appearing at my side and snatching the bag out of my hands, slinging it over his shoulder as he grabbed his own. That was hot.


After we got everything settled, I immediately went and took a shower. Maddie made food for us afterwards and I knew better than to skip out on one of her meals. Sam never had leftovers. She went to shower after we ate and came out an hour later with freshly dyed blue hair. I smirked from my bed. She moved to the closet to get dressed and I resumed reading an article about whales on my phone.

“Colbs?” She asked softly. I snapped my head up so fast I wouldn’t be surprised if I’d broken my neck.

“What’s up?” I replied.

“You’re not mad at me, right?”

What the fuck?

“No, I’m not. Why would I be mad at you?”

“Because I made you carry in my luggage. You should have just made me do it, I’m capable of carrying a duffel bag.”

“You’re also capable of moaning my name so loud we get noise complaints from the neighbors, but you don’t need to do that every time.”

Maddie blushed so hard her cheeks looked like tomatoes. Shit, she’s gorgeous. She was such a prude when it came to actually talking about sex, but she’d fuck like there was no tomorrow whenever given the chance. I found it hilariously endearing.

“That was one time and we were in the kitchen with the window open.”

“My point is that just because you can, doesn’t mean you have to.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Maddie slid over onto my lap, resting her head on my chest. I looked at her soft blue eyes and kissed her forehead. The TV played in the background, but I had no idea or care what it was playing. I was lost in Maddie’s eyes and, next thing I knew, her lips were on mine. I didn't know how we started kissing, but I didn't care because damn she was a good kisser. Her hands roamed up and down my back softly, very light yet comforting. The kiss wasn’t passionate or harsh, her lips barely brushed mine sometimes, other times she was more serious about it. Maddie moved her lips from my mouth to my neck.

“Mads…” I groaned. Damn.

“Aw, is someone liking the affection?” She teased, her lips still on my neck.

“What do you think?”

“I think someone’s really desperate.”

“Mmm, you’d be right.”

“Well this is new.”

“Wanna try for another noise complaint?”


“Maddie are you alright?” I asked, cupping her cheek and pulling her face away from me so I could see her.

“I don’t really want to tonight. I’m really tired and still sore from Saratoga.”

“That’s fine. A no is a no.”


“I’m just being a decent human.”

“You’re a better man than they give you credit for.” She mumbled, leaning her head on my chest as she threw the comforter over us. My heart fluttered and I could feel a few butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

And you think you’re the lucky one…

2 more chapters, then it's over 💔

but hey, things are getting a little Strange around here if you know what I mean 😏 :)

Surprise Me.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang