Chapter 37- Feel it in Your Bones

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Saratoga was nothing like it'd been when we'd visited the day before. Crickets and birds were alive and singing in every corner of the hospital, their sounds echoing through the expansive and empty halls. There were a few spirits active, but unlike last night, they didn't notice us at all.

"Spiders are still here." Seth announced as he ducked through a doorframe.

"Perfect." Colby sighed, leading me by the hand through the door. His refusal to let go of me and insistence that I let him know I was okay was both comforting and annoying at the same time.

"It's so odd here." Sam added. "There's windows and holes in the walls everywhere but it's so dark. It's almost scary."

"It's because of the size of the structure." Seth explained. "If the building wasn't so big, the light from the windows could reach more places and it would be brighter in here."

"I guess that makes sense."

"I feel like we're not alone here." Colby muttered, looking around.

"Mads? Anything?"

I looked around the expansive hallway in between x-ray and the O.R. Just like last night, there were no ghosts whatsoever around. If there was anyone around here with us, they were alive.

"I don't see any spirits." I replied.

"The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. I feel like we're being watched."

"We might be. Not all spirits show themselves to me, but that doesn't mean they're not there."

"That's not scary." Seth chuckled.

"In my experience, most of the spirits that chose not to show themselves are generally children or very very shy. They rarely ever want to do anything other than watch us to satisfy their curiosity."

"If they intend to hurt us will they show themselves?" Sam asked, suddenly wary.

"Nine times out of ten, yes. I think we might be safe here in between the x-ray and O.R. It's like they don't want to be here because this is where they found out if they were gonna die or not."

"That makes sense though. This place is going to be full of emotion and memories they may not want to relive. They were literally drowning in their own fluids."

"In their fluids and in their own thoughts." Colby added.

"This place is giving me the creeps, can we go to the room where kids would get sunlight?" I asked, looking around.

"Let's go."

We made our way to the sunroom, Sam nearly tripping and eating shit on the way. When we made it in, we entered the sunroom and looked out the windows. As soon as I did, a bluebird flew in and settled on the branch closest to the window I was looking from. It landed there as if that was the only thing it was meant to do in its entire life. It looked at me and cocked its head to the side like it was trying to tell me something. I was used to things from my visions actually happening, but this was unsettlingly accurate, every last feather laying the exact direction.

"Colby, check this out." I said quietly, keeping my eyes on the bird.

"Is this the bird you saw earlier?" He asked, settling a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes. The exact same bird."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure. I can feel it. He's the same."

"Birds are harbingers."

"I know. Bluebirds are harbingers of happiness, love and hope."

"Maybe he's here for you guys." Seth added.

"This bird better back off of my girl." Colby teased.

Seemingly fulfilling its purpose, the bird looked to the sky. Its gaze fell on me once more before it took off into the midday sky, its feathers blending in with the air.

"Well. This has certainly been a day."

When we left Saratoga, we hit a fast food place for dinner. Nothing terribly interesting happened after the bird incident, and we saw only a few more ghosts afterwards. We finally let Sam drive and he was ecstatic about it. Colby and I retreated to our room for some "us time" while Seth and Sam argued over whatever baking show was on.

"You're okay, right?" Colby asked as he laid his head on my lap, looking up at me with his big, blue eyes.

"I'm okay. I'm a little shaken up but I expect that. Visions take a lot out of me and pretty much put me out of commission for the rest of the day." I replied, running my hands through his hair.

"I can tell. You look exhausted."

"Thanks. That was a polite way of telling me I look like shit."

"Sorta. You look really, really tired."

"I am. It's gonna be an early night for me."

"Got enough strength for a round?" A mischievous smile crossed his face, seduction in his eyes.

"If I ever answer 'no' to that question, take me to the hospital."

"We have to be quiet about it, Seth and Sam are out there and awake."

"Say no more."

By the time we were done, Sam and Seth had completely given up on TV and were sitting at the table, an UNO deck in their hands.

"Deal me in." I announced, sitting in between them as Colby sat across the table from me. His cheeks were still the slightest shade of pink and his hair was ruffled, a tell-tale sign of what we'd done. No one else seemed to take notice.

"Little Miss Card Shark over here wants in." Sam said, shuffling the deck.

"Not my fault you guys play with mercy."

They dealt us in and I could feel myself growing more exhausted with each round. I won all of them, even in my exhausted state. I laid my head down for just a moment while Seth shuffled...
Next thing I knew, Colby hand picked me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "We were playing UNO."

"Correction, the three of us were playing UNO. You were sleeping." He chuckled.

"Go to bed!" Sam hollered as Colby walked into our room and dumped me on the bed. He closed the door, turned off the light and turned on the TV for me before I could even take off my hoodie. He knew I preferred to sleep with the TV on for background noise. He knew me so well. Colby threw his shirt on the floor and laid down on the bed next to me. I laid my head on his chest, resting my legs in between his as he held me to him and laced our fingers together.

"I love you, you know that?" He mumbled, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too." I replied. "The sooner we fall asleep, the sooner we can go home."

"I can't wait to be home."

Honestly? I didn't care. As long as I was on an adventure with my weirdos, I was happy.

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