Chapter 26- Sick Joke.

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I was jerked out of the dream of Colby by the burn in the back of my throat. I sat up, intending to rush to the bathroom, but I wasn't fast enough. There was nothing I could do but gather my hair out of the way as I threw up on the hardwood floor next to my bed.

"Holy shit!" Kris exclaimed, flying out of her bed.

"Oh fuck, hold on, honey." Celina said, leaping up.

"You okay for a minute?" I nodded. "Alright, let's get you to the bathroom real fast."

Kris led me to the bathroom and I leaned over the toilet and gagged again. She found a claw clip and put my hair up, grabbing my phone off of my nightstand. Celina called the front desk and someone came up to help her clean up.

"I think I'm done." I groaned, leaning back against the wall. Kris handed me a cup of water and I took a few sips, the cold water washing away the burning sensation.

"What's your password?" Kris asked, holding my phone. I gave it to her and she immediately opened my contacts. She put it on speaker and I heard the phone ring followed by a husky voice.

"Hello?" Colby groaned, his voice thick and deep. It would have been attractive if I didn't feel like shit.

"You need to get in here. Now." Kris said, her voice serious.


"No, this is Santa."

"What's wrong? Where's Maddie?" I heard him shift around and another voice in the background.

"Right in front of me on the floor, puking."

Colby swore and relayed Kris' message to the boys. "I'll be right there." Colby hung up and Celina appeared in the doorway.

"We got that all cleaned up and the lady went back down to the desk, we're all good here." She said.

"Colby's on his way." Kris replied. "Sam's probably coming with him."

"Did you give her anything to drink? Any water?"


"Did it help?"

I nodded, tucking my knees up to my chest. This was not how I envisioned my morning going.

"What time is it?"

"Almost eight. Our alarms would have been going off in a little bit."
Celina answered the knock on the door and next thing I knew, Colby was in the doorway of the bathroom, a worried frenzy filling his arctic eyes. His hair was still messy and the hoodie he'd thrown on in a haste was doing nothing to help that. His brows were furrowed in fear, and every muscle in his body was tensened.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, my eyes watering.

"What are you apologizing for?" Colby asked, sitting on the ground next to me. He threw his arm around my shoulder comfortingly.

"I should have listened. I should have gone to the hospital way earlier. I'm sorry I woke all of you up."

"Mads, our alarms go off in like fifteen minutes." Sam replied. "We're not worried about losing sleep, we're worried about you."

"I'm gonna see if I can find her a ticket for a plane that leaves earlier than ours. She needs to be home right now." Colby said to Sam.

"Our plane takes off at ten. She can have my ticket and I'll take hers." Kris suggested. She can ride with Adam and Celina to L.A."

"That'll work." Colby turned to me. "Get dressed and pack your stuff. You're going home."

Two hours, a nauseous goodbye, and a kiss on the forehead later, I was boarding the plane with Celina and Adam. I tried to sleep throughout the whole flight, only waking up every now and then when Celina was checking on me. My first stop once I was back in my own car was the Emergency Room. Colby texted me several times to check on me, his texts ranging from "How are you feeling?" to "Don't worry about me, take care of yourself."

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