Chapter 13

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Redpaw and Squirrelpaw ran through the forest, jumping over roots and rocks and other things. Squirrelpaw stopped next to Tigerkit, gently picked up the dead kit by the scruff and they continued.

They ran for a while more until they reached camp, where they slowed down.

They entered through the gorse tunnel and walked into camp, where they were met by shocked gasps.

"Tigerkit!" Tigertail exclaimed, walking over. Squirrelpaw lay down the kit gently. "What happened?"

"We found him like this in the forest," Redpaw meowed. Goldenstar walked over.

"Did you see anyone else?" She asked.

"No, but there was a trail of blood that lead to the Riverclan border, Riverclan took them and killed both Tigerkit and Frostsnow." Redpaw meowed.

"Hm. We'll need to get them back now. Redpaw, Squirrelpaw, take a patrol and lead them to where you found Tigerkit. Wetfoot, organize the patrol to go with them." Goldenstar ordered.

Wetfoot nodded and quickly scanned the cats. "Rabbittail, Embershadow, Crowpelt, Smokefur, Blizzardstripe, and Acornfox, come on, I'll come, too." He meowed.

All six cats nodded and quickly got ready to go. "Lead the way," Wetfoot meowed to Redpaw and Squirrelpaw.

Redpaw nodded, Squirrelpaw sniffed Tigerkit one more time, before Tigertail took the kit away and Squirrelpaw stood up and nodded.

Redpaw and Squirrelpaw lead the patrol through the forest, the sun lowering a little. They lead them to the spot where they found Tigerkit. "This is the blood trail," Redpaw meowed, pointing with his tail to the trail of blood leading away from the patch of blood where they found Tigerkit.

"Let's go to Riverclan and get our kits back," Wetfoot meowed. Everyone nodded. They walked to the border, the river flowing in front of them.

They walked to the Steppingstones and crossed the river. Each stone was barely big enough for Redpaw to cling to. He got to the other side, where Wetfoot and Squirrelpaw had already crossed and waited for everyone else to cross.

Once the last cat had crossed, they continued along the river until they found the Riverclan cats. They clumsily swam across a shallow stream to get to the camp and entered.

Immediately everyone's attention snapped to them as they entered. Fur bristled and teeth bared around the camp.

"Hello, may I speak to your leader?" Wetfoot asked.

A brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a scar across her shoulder walked forward. "What do you Thunderclan mouse-hearts want?" She hissed.

"We want to speak with your leader," Wetfoot meowed.

"Why?" The she-cat snapped.

"Your name is Clawtrail, right?" Wetfoot asked.

"Yeah, why?" She hissed.

"Well, Clawtrial, we'd like to speak with your leader because we have reason to believe you have stolen our kits," Wetfoot meowed.

"Oh yeah? And you think we'll give them back?" Clawtrail hissed.

"We'll make you give the-!" Squirrelpaw hissed, but Redpaw quickly slapped his tail over her mouth.

Squirrelpaw tried to bite his tail but he pulled it away quickly.

"Oh? What was that?" Clawtrail hissed, turning to Squirrelpaw.

"I said-" Squirrelpaw was interrupted by Wetfoot.

"Squirrelpaw, that's enough. We'd like to speak with your leader before anything gets violent," Wetfoot meowed, flicking his tail to tell Squirrelpaw to be quiet.

"Oh? And what might you need to speak with me about?" A new voice asked. A gray tabby tom walked forward, standing in front of Wetfoot. Clawtrail jumped back and bowed her head to the cat.

Redpaw quickly recognized Shellstar from gatherings. 

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