Chapter 12

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"Redpaw. Go hunting with Squirrelpaw, focus on hunting but look for the kits as well," Goldenstar meowed, walking over to him.

Redpaw nodded. "Ok, Goldenstar," He walked over to Squirrelpaw. "Goldenstar wants us to hunt."

"Ok, let's go," Squirrelpaw meowed, jumping to her paws.

"She wants us to keep an eye out for the kits, too," Redpaw meowed.

Squirrelpaw nodded and the two went out. They walked through the forest, Redpaw checking the bushes every once in a while to check for prey or kits. Squirrelpaw would do the same.

Redpaw gazed around at the spotted sunlight filtering through the trees.

Redpaw sniffed the air and spotted a bird on a low branch on a tree.

Redpaw bunched his muscles and leaped at the bird. It opened it's wings to fly away but Redpaw managed to grab it in his teeth, snapping it's neck.

He landed on his paws and buried the bird. "Nice catch!" Squirrelpaw meowed.

"Thanks," Redpaw meowed. Redpaw watched Squirrelpaw sniff the air and crouch down. She crept forward, paws light. After a moment, she pounced she grabbed the vole in her jaws and killed it with a quick nip to the spine.

"Good job," Redpaw meowed as Squirrelpaw buried the vole.

"Come on, let's keep going!" Squirrelpaw meowed, jumping forward.

Redpaw walked with Squirrelpaw for a while more, catching a squirrel and a mouse.

Redpaw dived into a bush, chasing a rabbit, he ran after it, but it ran into a rabbit hole. He tried to dig it out but gave up.

Squirrelpaw walked over. "It got away?" She asked.

"Yeah," Redpaw meowed with a sigh. He raised his muzzle and sniffed the air again. He froze when he smelled a familiar scent.

"What?" Squirrelpaw asked.

"Do you smell that?" He asked, fur bristled.

Squirrelpaw smelled the air and tensed, fluffy fur bristling.

They followed the scent and found a small scrap of red and brown fur. Redpaw and Squirrelpaw gasped and ran over.

Squirrelpaw prodded at the limp kit. "Is he alive?" She asked.

Redpaw sniffed the kit and shook his head. "I don't think so," He meowed. "That's Tigerkit, right?"

"Yeah, he's the only one with this much brown on him," She meowed, sniffing at the kit.

"Look, there's a trail," Redpaw meowed, sniffing a trail of scarlet blood leading away from the kit. "We could find the others."

"Blood! That means their hurt!" Squirrelpaw meowed. "Come on! We need to go!"

"Ok," Redpaw meowed, following Squirrelpaw as she raced along the trail of blood.

They followed the trail until they reached the edge of the forest. The blood trail went into the river, where it disappeared and reappeared on the other side.

"I knew it! Riverclan took them!" Squirrelpaw meowed.

She was about to jump into the river when Redpaw stopped her. "We can't go alone, we're just two apprentices, we can't fight a whole clan."

"I guess you're right," Squirrelpaw grumbled.

"Come on, we'll get a patrol from camp and get the kits back," Redpaw meowed.

"Ok, let's be quick!" Squirrelpaw meowed and they raced through the forest. 

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