Chapter 1

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Milo ate his food pellets, feeling the dry crunch in his teeth. He took some more bites of his dry, tasteless pellets, he didn't like eating them but it wasn't like he had a choice. He swallowed the last bits of food and stretched, ginger fur glowing in the shaft of moonlight from the window. He licked his lips and walked to his fluffy soft bed. He circled in his bed before laying down on the bed of fluffy soft fur. His bright red collar scratched at his neck as he closed his eyes. He lay there for a few moments before his nose twitched.

He lifted his head. There was a sharp smell in the air, it was sharp and strong and it made him want to claw his nose off. Milo stood up, the smell was coming from up the stairs, where his Twolegs slept. He slowly started creeping up the stairs. There was a dark cloud in the air, it was dark gray and it was where the stench was coming from. Milo flicked his ear as he stepped up the stairs to see where the dark cloud was coming from. The stench got stronger and sharper the more he went.

He turned the corner and suddenly there was a bright orange-red flickering wall in from of him, it was tall and moving and spreading. It emitted a strong heat that felt as though it would burn his fur off. What is that!? Milo thought, frozen in fear. The wall of orange heat was still moving and spreading, and it was coming toward him. He stood frozen, unable to move, until the thing came close enough to almost singe his nose.

He shook his head and raced back down the stairs. The dark cloud had spread and was making it hard to breathe.

He coughed and squinted his eyes, trying to find the door. He looked back and saw the heat wall coming closer, it was engulfing the whole house. The more the heat wall got bigger, the more dark cloud came with it. Milo coughed a few more times and tried to locate the door again.

He saw his small door that was on his Twoleg's bigger door. He raced toward it and burst out of it. He was in his garden now. He looked back at the house and saw the whole house engulfed in the heat wall. It spurted out the windows and over the top of the house. Milo stared, panting, for a moment before he realized the heat wall was starting to spread onto the grass in the garden. Milo jumped and raced away from it, but the heat wall was still chasing him.

Milo pressed against the fence, panting. In a frenzied attempt to escape the encroaching heat wall, he frantically clawed at the wooden fence, struggling to find a foothold. but his panic and fear made it hard to do anything. Frustration mingled with fear, and Milo reluctantly abandoned his attempt to climb the fence and pressed his back to the wood. The relentless pursuit of the heat wall left Milo with a sense of helplessness, trapped against the fence as the looming danger drew nearer.

The heat wall had almost reached Milo, its searing proximity sending waves of intense heat. He heard sirens in the distance, coming closer, perhaps he would be saved by the Twolegs. But the heat wall was already almost reaching him, there's no way the Twolegs could get here before the heat wall, he'd be done for.

Milo pressed himself closer against the fence as the heat wall came closer, inches from him now. He closed his eyes, waiting for his fate to unfold. He knew this would be painful, he knew he'd have to feel his fur burning on his pelt before it would end. The thoughts of this haunted his mind as he felt the searing heat draw closer. He felt teeth close around his scruff and he was pulled up the fence, wood scratching roughly at his back.

He was pulled over the edge of the fence and dropped onto the grass. He lay on his stomach for a moment before he righted himself and turned to the cat, bristling, as he saw the dark ginger she-cat with a fluffy tail sitting near him. 

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