Chapter 7

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Redpaw was sitting on one side of camp, watching the busy cats scurrying around. He looked up as Squirrelpaw bounded over. Squirrelpaw lied down beside him, tai flicking from side to side.

"So how do you like training so far?" She asked. "Isn't it amazing?"

"Yeah, Wetfoot showed me the territory so far," Redpaw meowed, he was going to say something else but Squirrelpaw beat him to it.

"Just wait until you start hunting and fighting! It's amazing!" She exclaimed. "We can train together, and hunt together, and it'll be amazing!"

"I'm sure it is amazing," Redpaw meowed, nodding.

"It totally is!" Squirrelpaw meowed, tapping one of her back paws on the ground repeatedly.

"Why are you tapping your paw?" Redpaw asked, tilting his head.

"Huh? Oh, I don't know, I kind of just do it sometimes," Squirrelpaw meowed. "So anyway, I think a hunting patrol will be back soon."

"Good, I'm starving," Redpaw meowed.

"Me too," Squirrelpaw agreed. "I haven't eaten anything all day! I went training this morning, shortly after you went training, and it was so tiring, and I'm so hungry!"

"How long have you been training?" Redpaw asked, suddenly realising he'd never asked before.

"I just started the day before I met you!" Squirrelpaw meowed.

"Really? And you were allowed out of camp alone at that time of night?" Redpaw asked.

"Oh, no," Squirrelpaw laughed. "I snuck out because I was bored!"

"Oh, I see," Redpaw meowed.

"Oh! I think the hunting patrol is back!" Squirrelpaw meowed, jumping to her paws. "Took them long enough! I'm so hungry! Come on!"

Redpaw followed as Squirrelpaw raced over to the camp entrance where four cats were carrying prey. Squirrels, mice, birds, voles, and more.

Goldenpaw, one of the cats from the hunting patrol, dropped the prey she caught and looked at Redpaw, who was walking up to her.

"Hey, Goldenpaw! Looks like you caught a lot," Redpaw meowed, dipping his head slightly.

"Right, more than you could, I'm sure. I mean, you are a Kittypet, and you don't have any training yet," She sniffed. "And you still smell like Kittypet, wouldn't be able to catch a blind mouse."

"Goldenpaw! Don't say that! Redpaw could catch tons! He doesn't smell that much like a Kittypet!" Squirrelpaw hissed, stepping forward.

"I stand by what I said," Goldenpaw meowed, staring down at Squirrelpaw. "He won't be a very good warrior, I don't think so."

"He'll be a great warrior! You're just jealous that he's gonna be a way better warrior!" Squirrelpaw hissed.

"Right. Whatever makes you feel better." Goldenpaw meowed before walking away.

Squirrelpaw turned to him. "Don't listen to her, she just doesn't know when to shut up."

"Thanks, Squirrelpaw," Redpaw meowed, turning to the fresh-kill pile and grabbing a plump mouse. Squirrelpaw grabbed a fat pigeon and followed Redpaw to go eat.

They sat at the tree stump in front of the apprentices' den and started eating and talking.

As they munched away, a breeze rustled the leaves overhead, carrying the scent of the forest with it. The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the camp. In the distance, they could hear the faint chatter of other cats and the occasional rustle of underbrush. It was a peaceful moment, one that Redpaw found himself savouring as he shared it with his new friend. 

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