Chapter 23

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"We'll stay for a little bit, help you rebuild camp, and make sure the kits are fit for travel," Wetfoot meowed, walking over to Nightspeck.

"Of course, you helped us, you are welcome here until you are ready to leave," Nightspeck meowed.

"Thank you," Wetfoot nodded respectfully and walked away.

"Thunderclan! We will help Riverclan rebuild camp until we are ready to go back," Wetfoot announced.

"Riverclan, Slatepaw will check your injuries and help, Thunderclan too. We need to rebuild camp and treat our injuries." Nightspeck meowed.

Everyone nodded and went to start their tasks. Slatepaw ran to his den to get supplies, Squeakpaw and Eveningpaw went out of camp to get supplies to rebuild camp, Squirrelpaw ran around, seeing what she could do. Redpaw walked toward where Shellstar and the others ran out, where there was a hole in the camp wall.

Redpaw started working on fixing the camp wall. He worked for a while. Halfway through, he turned around to see what everyone else was doing.

Squeakpaw and Eveningpaw had returned, making a pile of supplies in the middle of the camp. Squirrelpaw was rebuilding a bit of the apprentices' den that some cats had crashed into during the fight. Slatepaw was going from cat to cat, patching up wounds and checking for infections.

Wetfoot was discussing something with Nightspeck, occasionally giving out some orders.

Redpaw turned back to his work and after a few minutes, Slatepaw approached him to check his wounds.

Slatepaw sniffed his wounds before taking some herbs and cobwebs and started patching up his wounds.

"Hey, Redpaw, I just wanted to say. Thanks for freeing Riverclan from Shellstar," Slatepaw meowed while applying some cobwebs to a wound on Redpaw's side.

"Huh? Oh, well, it wasn't just me, it was all of Thunderclan, and some of Riverclan. And you helped, even if it was only by taking care of the kits while we fought, you still helped." Redpaw meowed.

"Thanks," Slatepaw meowed. "I hope Riverclan can be better now that Shellstar's gone."

"Yeah, me too," Redpaw meowed.

Slatepaw finished patching up Redpaw's wounds and walked away to help everyone else.

Redpaw went back to fixing the camp wall and finished after a minute. Redpaw looked around to see if there was anything else he could help with.

Squeakpaw and Eveningpaw were helping Slatepaw with some wounds. Squirrelpaw was talking to a random Riverclan warrior.

Redpaw couldn't see anything he could help with, and was about to go sit down but his attention went to Wetfoot as he stood up.

"Thunderclan," Wetfoot meowed. "We will now be leaving, get ready quickly and we will leave in a few minutes."

Redpaw nodded. He walked over to Slatepaw, Squeakpaw, and Eveningpaw. "Hey, I guess we'll see each other at the next gathering?" he meowed.

"Yeah," Slatepaw meowed. "And I also guess this makes us all friends?"

"Was that not obvious?" Redpaw meowed with a chuckle.

"Oh, yeah, just making sure!" Slatepaw meowed.

"Yup, we're friends now, but don't think that means I won't claw your pelt off if we ever fight," Eveningpaw meowed.

"Eveningpaw! Don't say that to our friend!" Squeakpaw squeaked.

"What? It's true, we can't let friendships stand in the way of battle, it's in the warrior code," Eveningpaw meowed.

"Well- I- I mean- I guess that's true," Squeakpaw meowed, deflating a bit.

"Thunderclan! Come on!" Wetfoot meowed.

"See you at the next gathering," Redpaw meowed with a smile.

Squirrelpaw quickly ran over. "SorryIwastalkingwithsomeoneandcouldn'tcomeoverbutI'llseeyouatthenextgatheringbye!" She meowed quickly.

"What was that?" Eveningpaw asked, tilting her head.

"I said, Sorry I was talking with someone and couldn't come over but I'll see you at the next gathering bye!" Squirrelpaw meowed.

"Oh, ok, see ya!" Squeakpaw meowed.

Squirrelpaw and Redpaw walked over to the rest of Thunderclan.

Nightspeck walked over. "That you all for your help against Shellstar, I promise that as long as I am leader, Riverclan will be an ally for Thunderclan," She meowed with a nod.

"Thank you, Nightspeck, now we must be going." Wetfoot meowed.

"Safe travels," Nightspeck meowed before walking away.

The Thunderclan cats all turned and walked away out of the camp. 

(A/N: Only one chapter today, cause the next one is the final chapter and I want to have a little more motivation for that one and not rush it.)

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