theo- 25 - school

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"Are you ready for this?" I ask Noah, glancing over at him as we sit in the car, both of us staring at the bustling activity outside the school doors. His gaze remains fixed on the entrance, his fingers nervously picking at his jeans. He simply nods in response."Okay," I say, taking a deep breath before opening his door and stepping out. "Let's do this," I mutter to myself, trying to quell the nerves that threaten to overwhelm me. I can only imagine what Noah must be feeling, and the thought fills me with a sense of protectiveness. But I quickly push it aside, focusing on the task at hand as we enter the school.As we navigate through the corridors, I notice that only a few people glance in our direction before returning to their conversations. "Huh," I remark, looking around with surprise. "Nobody cares anymore, I guess," I comment to Noah, a relieved smile tugging at my lips."Good," he replies, his own smile mirroring mine as we continue on our way to first period. We part ways until lunchtime, and I can't help but feel a twinge of worry until we reunite again in the cafeteria for fifth period."I was so scared," I admit to Noah as we sit down together, relieved to be in his company once more."Why?" he asks, genuine confusion evident in his expression."I didn't know if anyone was giving you shit," I confess, my voice tinged with concern."We were texting every second since we last saw each other," Noah laughs, shaking his head in amusement."Yeah, and?" I chuckle, feeling a sense of relief wash over me at his reassurance.As we make our way back to my truck after school, Noah suggests getting some blizzards from Dairy Queen for lunch. "I could go for some ice cream," I agree with a smile, pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the nearest Dairy Queen.After getting our blizzards, we return to the school parking lot and sit in the truck, enjoying the cold treat and each other's company. As we chat and laugh, the lingering worries from earlier in the day fade away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and shared enjoyment of the simple pleasures in life.As I glance at my phone, a sense of urgency washes over me as I realize it's time to head back inside for the remainder of the school day. Showing Noah the time, we both agree that we should return to our classes."Yeah," Noah agrees, and we quickly dispose of our empty cups before making our way back into the school building. Thankfully, we share sixth and seventh period together, and eighth period is just study hall, so we'll have plenty of time to catch up then.Entering sixth period, we find seats next to each other and spend the class talking and laughing, despite getting scolded a few times for our antics. But honestly, who cares? We're having fun, and that's all that matters.After school, I bid farewell to Noah as he heads to wait for me in the truck while I head off to football practice. I offered him the option to drive home, but he insisted on waiting for me. It's a small gesture, but it means a lot to me.Entering the locker room, I'm met with the usual banter from the guys. One of them makes a crude remark, but before I can even respond, Alex, someone I didn't realize was a friend, comes to my defense."No one wants your tiny dick, Zander," Alex retorts with a smirk, surprising me with his unexpected support. He's always been harsh to Noah, so I hadn't expected him to stand up for me. But his wink tells me that he's got my back, and I can't help but smile.I quickly change into my gear and make my way out to the field, ready to endure the grueling training session ahead. After a grueling football practice under the blazing sun, I finally drive Noah and myself home, the air conditioning in the car offering a welcome relief from the heat. The familiar route home feels comforting, and I catch myself stealing glances at Noah as we chat about our day, his presence by my side bringing me a sense of calm.Arriving home, I waste no time in heading straight for the shower, the cool water cascading over my tired muscles, soothing away the aches and pains of the day. Noah joins me, the playful banter and shared laughter filling the air as we let the stress of the day wash away.Once we're both refreshed and rejuvenated, we retreat to the bedroom, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm ambiance over the room. With a playful grin, Noah suggests some fun activities to help us unwind further, and I eagerly agree, the anticipation sparking excitement in my veins.In the intimate moments that follow, our laughter mingles with whispered words of affection, our bodies moving in harmony as we lose ourselves in each other's touch. The connection between us deepens with every caress and kiss, and I find myself completely lost in the blissful sensation of being with Noah.As the night wears on, exhaustion finally catches up with us, and we collapse into bed together, limbs entangled as we drift off to sleep. Wrapped in Noah's arms, I feel a sense of contentment wash over me, grateful for the love and companionship we share. With a contented sigh, I surrender to the embrace of slumber.

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